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I wake up and hear a knock on my door. I go downstairs to find a box, I smell blood so I'm a bit scared to open it but I do. It's a letter from Caroline telling me to meet her at the mystic grill, with blood on the letter, it's Matt's and Tyler's blood.

I get to the Mystic Grill and see Caroline standing next to Matt, Tyler, Stefan, and Damon tied up in chairs.
"Turn off your humanity, or else they all die!" She says
"I won't let you do that, I'm stronger than you do I can free them without having to turn it off" he says
"Which is why if you come one step closer, I'll pull this rope and that cannon will unload stakes of wood at their hearts. So, lets be smart about this"  she says
"How do I know you're actually going to free them? We will both have our humanity switch off that we won't care" I say
"I'm a lady of my word" she says
"Fine..." I say
Not in a thousand years did I think that I would turn my humanity switch off. But today, I have to. If Caroline kills all her best friends, she will not be the same

I turn it off and...I've never felt better.
Caroline is untying them and removed the tape around their mouths,
"Leave while you still can" she says
Matt and Tyler stand up and run out of the bar, Stefan and Damon just stood up,
"Great, two people with their humanity switch off" Stefan says
"Should've told us your weak spot before you turned it off, idiot" Damon says as he vamp speeds out the bar and Stefan follows
"Should've killed them" Caroline says
"Oh well, there's always a second time" she continues
"Well what now?" I ask
"There's a bar right there. I say we get drunk" she says"

We're drinking like crazy when we hear the door open,
"Someone's here" I whisper and we hide. A guy enters and he's on a phone call "yeah boss, I'm here. I don't see anyone so I think they left" he says and I realize there are security cameras
"Let's have a bet, I say I can scare him to death...literally" She says
"Okay, bet" I tell her
She's walking and stomping to scare the guy
"Whose there? Show yourself!" He says and Caroline vamp speeds in front of the guy and does a sexy vampire look, but it's terrifying for the guy.
"Woah, you do know that it's not Halloween right?"  He asks
"Yeah well" she says
"There's big scary spiders crawling on you" she compels him and I come to her
"AAAAH, HELP ME!" The guy screams for help
"Hey, that's cheating!" I tell her as I turn her around and kiss her
"Who cares? He's scared isn't he?" She says as she breaks the kiss
"Now you are having a heart attack" she compels the guy
"Please, help me!" He says
"And, he's dead" she says
"Be a dear and hide the body would ya? Thanks" she says and walks to the exit. I grab her arm and pull her close to me
"How about we do something... fun?" I say and she smiles.
I kiss her and I start removing her shirt and the dead guy's phone starts to ring. We stop kissing and Caroline goes through his jacket to find his phone, and breaks his phone.
"We should really hide his body"  she says

We're at a five star hotel with people we compelled to let us drink from them in our room,
"Should we drink until we kill them or compel them to forget" she asks
"I have an idea about what we can do with them" i say with a smirk

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