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I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on my house door, I get up and go to open the door. When I opened the door I get pissed off. 
"What's with all the girls?" Stefan asks
"From the looks of it, Caroline and Klaus probably drank almost all of their blood, and compelled them to come here"  i tell him
"What do we do with them?" Stefan asks
"Oh oh, I know. We drink their blood" I say
"Damon..." Stefan says
"Kidding" I let him know
"But what are we going to do about our klaroline problem?" I ask
"Klaroline?" He asks
"It's Klaus and Caroline's ship name" I say
"let's just say Code KC"
"Okay, whatever"

"Their at Hotel Mocha, it's down the street from here" Bonnie informs us after she does a locators spell
"Don't let care do anything she'll regret, she may have her humanity switch off but i still care about her" Bonnie tells us
"Lets go" Stefan says

We get to Hotel Mocha and we didn't have to be invited in, i'm guessing team KC killed the owner but that's the least of our worried since a bunch of people start running our way, they have stakes in their hand and I knew team KC had something to do with it. We vamp speed to a Halloween store so we could get some costumes, so they wouldn't recognize us thus they won't try to kill us.
"You've got to be kidding me. All of these costumes are too small, the only one our size are those sexy revealing costumes teenage girls wear" Stefan complains
"Caroline and Klaus owe be big time for wearing this outfit" I say
"Whatever, lets get it over with" Stefan says

We get to the hotel with our costumes and nobody seems to recognize us
"This is dumb" Stefan says
"Don't forget humiliating but whatever. Let's go" I tell him

We didn't have to compel anybody to tell us where Klaus and Caroline's room is, we just followed the blood stains on the floor until we got to their room.
We barged in their room but nobody was there, except a few lifeless bodies. They must've escaped, smart. Time for plan B, we find their weakness.

Elena, Bonnie, Stefan, and I are at a coffee shop trying to figure out what their weaknesses are
"This would be so much easier if we just asked them before they turned it off" Elena says
"Hold on, what if we pretend to hurt someone Klaus cares about, and we helps us help Caroline" Bonnie says
"Yeah but who, and how" i ask
"Klaus's sibling, we decorate a wood to make it look like white oak" Bonnie says
"That'll never work" I say
"It might" Elena finally says
"Okay fine, but how would we even get them to trust us?" I ask
"We let them decorate it" Stefan says
"Then lets get to work" Bonnie says

We're at the Mikaelsons house and Elijah agreed to do it, but he's the one who will decorate the oak.

It's been 43 minutes and Elijah is finally done
"You stab me with this and only this" he says
"Yess ah okay, Bonnie already did a locators spell so
We know where he is" I say
"Then let's go" Elijah says

We're in the car and it's super awkward. I keep trying to turn on the radio but Elijah keeps turning it off, it's 'too distracting'. Caroline and Klaus owe me BIG TIME for having to deal with this.

We got to the place and it's another hotel, we're about to go in when I remember about the whole incident with the other hotel, "Elijah wait, last time, Klaus and Caroline compelled everyone in the hotel to come after me. We need a disguise" I tell him
"Well what are we going to do?" Elijah asks
"Let's go to the Halloween store and get some costumes" I say
He sighs
"They don't know I'm coming, so you just wear the costume"

I got my costume and it is embarrassingly bad, we get in and follow the blood stains to their room. I knock and Caroline opened the door, expecting it to be an employee.
"Surprise" I say as I grab elijah inside the room
"Turn it back on or I kill Elijah with this white oak stake"
"It's not real, otherwise Elijah would've taken it from you in a second"  Klaus says
"He wouldn't try to do anything stupid, not when his life is on the line" I say
"No? Okay" I say as I stab Elijah. He lets out a groan and starts to turn gray
"Told you" I say
"ELIJAH!" Klaus yells as he runs towards Elijah's body with tears in his eyes, Caroline just runs away.
"You've got my humanity back on, but you will not live to see another day" Klaus says
"He's not actually dead, that's not white oak. We just colored it" I tell him
"Good. Now how do we get Caroline back?" Klaus's says
"I think it has something to do with her mom" I reply

We get to Liz's house,
"Hey Liz, we need your help"  I say
"If it's about Caroline, I don't want to hear it" she says
"Please, Caroline needs you. She turned off her humanity switch, she's not being herself anymore" Klaus tells her
"She is not my daughter anymore, i don't know that girl"
"You are so wrong about that" I tell her
"You're her mother, you may not like supernaturals but you need to accept Caroline, she's your daughter" Klaus tells her
"Fine...what do I need to do?" Liz asks
"Easy, we pretend we give you vampire blood and turn you. All in front of Caroline"  Klaus tells her
"And Klaus is going to stay with Caroline and pretend his humanity switch is still off' I continue
"Okay fine, but I'm not going to be a vampire" she says
"Wear this Gilbert ring, if a supernatural kills you while you're wearing that ring, you won't die. For the blood part, I'll pretend to make you drink my blood. Let's get this plan into action" I tell her

We get to the hotel  Caroline is in and Klaus goes in her room. I'm listening to everything that's happening
"How about we  order some towels and drink the blood of whoever brings it"  Klaus says
"I love the sound of that. By the way, what happened with the whole Elijah thing?" Caroline says
"They killed him...but I don't care that much to turn it back on" Klaus says 
"Okay, good" Caroline says
I knock on their door and as soon as Caroline opens the door I say
"Towels" and shoot her with a vervain bullet, and she collapses onto the ground
"Let's go"  Klaus says

We get to the cells in my house, and lock the Klaus and Caroline in there.
It's been a couple of minutes but Caroline finally wakes up
"Hey there" I say as I open the cell and pull Liz inside
"Now that you're somewhere you both can't escape from, how about you turn it back on otherwise Liz turns into a vampire" I say
"You're not going to do that" Caroline says
"I call your bluff" she says
"Fine by me then" I say as I force my arm into Liz's mouth pretending she's drinking my blood. Caroline looks a bit more worried now but I then snap Liz's neck.
"Oops" I say as Caroline starts to cry,
"She's never going to go through with the transition, how could you damon?! I hate you!!!" Caroline says  crying even more now
"Caroline, shes wearing a Gilbert ring, and Damon never gave her any blood. Elijah is also not dead" Klaus says and Caroline gets happy.
"But I did something bad...really really bad" Caroline says
"Caroline...what did you do" I ask
"I killed someone...someone very powerful and dangerous" Caroline says
"Who did you kill" Klaus asks almost afraid
"...A mafia leader's son" Caroline says
"They are looking for me. They want to kill me" she tells us afraid
"I'm stronger than all of them together" Klaus tells her
"No klaus, when he took me to his mansion I saw a white oak tree. I compelled him to tell me everything and his father knows everything about the originals and supernaturals. He wants you dead...he knows" Caroline says and Klaus gets a bit worried
"I won't let them take you, if they want a war...it's a war they'll get" Klaus says

A couple of minutes pass by and Liz wakes up, I take her to her house and let her keep the ring. She knows I'm a vampire now, but she accepts them. Klaus took Caroline back home and I'm really worried about this mafia  family

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