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It's been 6 days and I haven't stopped looking for a way to get Caroline out . The wedding is tomorrow and I can't let it happen. I flip over the table and let out a scream. "Why don't we just steal all of the white oak they have?" Stefan asks. "We can't steal everything and burn down the whole tree on time. I don't mind risking or sacrificing myself for Caroline, but if I die nobody would put her first, she's my queen" I say. I would sacrifice myself for Caroline without thinking twice, but I don't think everybody else would be strong enough to save Caroline, and I can't let her suffer, but maybe it'll be worth trying. "I say we should just raid their house and start killing them all" Rebekah suggests. "We already did that and there were so many people with white oak shooting us all" Elijah says. "I'm with Rebekah, we try again. I can go alone if nobody else wants to go" I say. "we're coming. That's my best friend" Elena says. "When do we leave?" Bonnie asks. "Now" I say. "No, lets be smart about this. Let's find out how many guards are going to be at the wedding, we take them down and take Caroline. We will find a way to kill what's his name and Pablo later" Damon says. "Okay, but we save Caroline before she says 'I do' "I say. "We need wood bullets, lots of them" Stefan says. "Okay, here is the venue blueprints" I say. "How do you know where it is?" Damon asks. "When they threw us all in that alley, they put an invitation  with the address in my jacket pocket" I inform Damon. "Okay" damon says.

It's been one hour but we're finally done making the plans, and whose supposed to do what. We just need to fill up the guns and we will be done. The wedding is at 10:00 A.M in the morning tomorrow and I'm not leaving without Caroline, she's the love of my life.

The next day

It's 9;00 A.M and we're getting our guns and vervains. We're at the venue and it's 9:55, Elena and Bonnie sneak in the room where Caroline is going to walk out of, while the rest of us are going to kill everybody that's in there. But when we got in the venue, we were shocked. Of course it was a trap, they knew damn well not to invite us to the wedding. This is the fake address,  nobody is here. It's 10:00 A.M, "BLOODY HELL" I scream while Elena starts to cry. "Bonnie, is it too late to do a locators spell?" I ask. "They most probably already got married. But yeah, I can do it. Is there any candles?" Says Bonnie. "Yeah, I brought some" Elena says after wiping away her tears.
Bonnie is  doing a locators spell and gives us a location, "The venue at your burnt pizza avenue" she informs us. "Since that's where her location is,  there's still a chance they didn't get married yet" Bonnie continues. I vamp speed there, not waiting for anybody. I had to get there fast. I barge through the doors and it was empty, how'd they get out so damn fast since Bonnie  just did the locators spell. I start destroying everything in the venue out of pure anger. Caroline is married...to somebody who probably abuses her and doesn't care about her. The thought of that made my blood boil. It should've been Caroline and I  getting married. Damon and the rest made it to venue, and from their expressions...they knew what happened. "Bonnie, do a locators spell, we're going to attack wherever they are" I say.

Authors note: I know the wedding passed, but I'm going to write the wedding scene in the next chapter from Caroline's POV (obviously). I'm sorry for this chapter being short, and for not uploading a lot. I'm busy with school but I will try to upload at least a chapter every week. I also don't know when I should have Klaus save Caroline, but he definitely will.

To be continued.

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