Murder. The greatest thing of all. Why? Because it helps clear the world of Purples.
Hey legendary fans! It's the one and only legend, Etta!
Remember the last time I did murder? Over some character forms, right? Well now I have a new reason.
Pokemon teams. Oh boy do I need help and I'm not the only one.
You want to help stop these murders? Then come on and show it! We have several Pokemon teams that need to be completed.
Let's start with Blake.
Ash's final team. He's looking for more of a champion team for this. If you want to give him a team that he can use to hide his champion team, he's not stopping you. WE ARE NOT TAKING TEAMS HERE YET!
Then there's the Elite Four. They won't be type based like most will. They will be theme based.
Then there's the other people in the league. The Kahuna's are good, he thinks. Unsure yet.
Then there's 8 people that he's having as skill captains. While they don't use their pokemon, he still want teams set up.
Then there's three people that will be like guardians of the mountain. They're going to be sacred captain, each testing a different abilities. He needs teams for each of them.
We have some of those teams planned out. They aren't all here yet as I rushed this list. But here's what was made last night.
Kahunas (type based)
Hala/Hau (Fighting):
Olivia (Rock):
Nanu (Dark):
Hapu (Ground):
Skill Captains (Skill based)
Mallow (Food):
Lana (Waves):
Kiawe (Dance):
Sophocles (Tech):
Mina (Art):
Lillie (Courage):
Gladion (Justice):
Acerola (Sight):
Ability Captains (Word Theme)
Guzma (Trust):
Lusamine (Care):
Qidorr (Order):
League (theme based)
Ash: Pikachu
Delia (Family Secrets): Mr. Mime, Butterfree, Blissey, Slaking, Metagross, Goodra
Max (Story Telling):
1: Butterfree, Gallade, Banette, Mightyena,
2:Paul (Unsure): Torterra,
1 (Warrior Ritual) : Pikachu, Greninja, Aegislash, Tropius, Watchdog, Lapras
2 (Mirror): A. Ninetails, Clamperl, Mienshao, Delphox, Pangoro, Sylveon
3 (Trainer Archives): Rhyhorn, Talonflame, Lapras, Eevee, Kommo-o, Meowstic.Others.
Bonnie: Kirlia, Luxray, Happiny, Gothorita, Dedenne, Lumineon
So if you want to help here, it would be much hoped for. We might also ask for people like Tracy in the future. Who knows.
Next is Emerald's! He wasn't pushing it too much, so this is optional. Here's what he needs.
Here's what the two of us planned out so far for the story. There'll be more, but we're focusing on what people are looking for. Here's what we have.
SobbleWe have more, but we didn't want to give any spoilers. So here, we're wondering what you guys want on the teams.
This one isn't part of the murder. We're just curious.
There'll be more added and we'll be looking for more teams.
Well... until next time!
Murder comes at a price.
Q&A and Random
AléatoireThis is where your questions will be answered. if you have any questions, put them in the comments of the story you have questions for.