Chapter 2: Getting Answers

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He ran around the strange console again and pulled another lever before looking up at me. "Yes, Abi? Although, I'm starting to believe that's not your real name."
I felt my cheeks heat up as he took a step closer. "Umm...why is it bigger on the inside? Why do you call it the T.A.R.D.I.S.? Where are we going?"
A smile pierced his lips and spread to his eyes. "Time and Relative Dimensions in Space." He said proudly, as if the name had taken him a long time to come up with.
"Why is it bigger on the inside?"
He took out two cups, putting one closer to me than the other. He pointed to the one closer. "See this cup?" I nodded my head.
"Yes, but what does-"
"Silence! I'm teaching," he rubbed his hands together like the homeless do to try and stay warm. "This cup," he pointed to the one farthest away this time. Must've been part of his teaching method, however I think the idea is to not confuse the pupil. "It's the outside of the T.A.R.D.I.S. It represents the police box."
I looked out the window where he was now pointing and the city of London wasn't there. In its place was a million stars, each twinkling in its own special way.
I was dumbfounded. The sky wasn't as black as all the astronauts had said. It was twinkling blue and silver lights no Christmas tree could compare to.
"doctor...where are we?" I looked at him and he smiled. Who was this man?
"Abi, we're in outer space. See that light? All the way out there? The big one?" I followed his gaze out the narrow windows to the light source. It was brighter than the others.
"That's your sun. Little do you humans know how life ends." His face fell and his eyes again filled with that sorrow. I wanted to comfort him, but seeing how I had just met him I neglected the thought.
"It all happened the year-"
I sighed. I wasn't sure what I was going to say. But I was determined to make it sound science-y. "Wouldn't me knowing the future mess up the space-time continuum?"
A big grin spread across his face. His face seemed too little to hold this monstrous grin. Minutes passed of him just staring at me.
"I am going to enjoy having you as a companion."

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