Chapter 3: the new world

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My eyes shot open as the sound pierced my ears. I was in my bedroom. My bedroom back in America.
"¡Mi hija!" My mother's smooth voice rang throughout the halls of the one story house.
"¿Sí, Mama?"
The voice was mine...but not my own. I soon realized it belonged to my past self.
"Nosotros estamos el centro. Deseo-"
The words faded as I realized what memory this was. The one memory I couldn't get rid of, no matter how many times I drowned myself in whiskey.
"¡No, Mama! ¡Tú estàs una papa!" My voice cracked as I said that last word. I heard Mom gasp and sob as she ran into my room.
"¡Mi hija! Tú no hablas-" I watched her hand come away from her body as she swung it back. It slowed down, doing as good a job as the iPhone 6. I watched myself cower and reach for a pillow as her hand came across my face.
"¡No, Mama! Por favor." My voice became hoarse as she drew it back for a second assault.
No more I thought. I couldn't take anymore of these painful memories. I heard a firm knock on the bedroom door.
"Huh?" I called. The Doctor walked in. So, it wasn't a dream.
"Sorry, for the ding, Abi. It's my timey wimey device that goes ding when there's stuff."
"What sort of stuff?" I asked, stifling a yawn.
"Science stuff." He smiled that villainous smile of his and left the room.
I crawled out from under the covers and grabbed my orange hoodie. I flipped it over and attempted scratching off the letters on the back. With another failed attempt, I threw it on left the room.
"What do the letters on the back stand for?" The doctor asked when I came downstairs. I fought back tears.
"My ex," I croaked. His smile faded slightly, but picked up just as quick when the ding went off again. He skipped over to it and clicked a button, did a twirl, then stared at me.
I couldn't help but smile as his eyes bore into me. "Can I help you?"
"No, but you look great. Open that door, please. Abi, it's a new day for the world! This world actually. Earth's the same but this world-" he sighed and leaned against the wall "-it's a great day for them. You're gonna love this."
I walked over to the door and pushed it open.
He looked out the door, then turned around and whispered something to a rose. A plant. He's talking to a plant. He stood up and looked at me. "Abi...welcome to Gallifrey."

The planet was beautiful. Rocky mountains terrorized the land, leaving it close to impossible to cross. But in the middle, under the perfect orange sky, was a glass dome. Buildings taller than skyscrapers jumped up from the ruins that was called the ground.

As we got closer, I realized that the rocky mountains were buildings. Burning buildings.

"Doctor, what's-" he shushed me and pointed to a flying object. The object was coming closer towards us, red beams shot out of it occasionally, but for the most part it remained a black silhouette to the orange sky.

"This isn't right. This is the wrong day. It has to be." He shook his head and ran over to the console, pressed some buttons, then opened the door and stepped out. I followed him. He practically ran to the man that stood in the center of the room, gazing at me with so much distaste, words don't really describe it.

The man was bald with two wing looking things poking out from his head. The were both a deep red which matched perfectly with his robe. His robe had shoulder plates that looked like bird feathers that were maroon, orange, and a series of other colors varying in the middle. Overall, he looked quite spiffy. However, he wore no shoes and his toes desperately gripped at the tile floor, as if trying to grab at some mysterious object that he couldn't find.

"Rassilon, what day is it?" the doctor held his breath. Rassilon slowly turned to face him. His eyes were now full of more hatred than before.

"My dear boy, Davros has declared war on us. Who gives a damn what day it is?" He turned to walk away and the Doctor's posture drooped slightly.

"I do," I said. My voice sounded stronger than I felt and the birdman turned around. "I'm the one who gives a damn. And I'd really appreciate if you told me, seeing as this war you speak of is coming, I need to know what all I need to cancel in advance. You see, I had plans with Liz, erm, Elizabeth on the morrow, but if I'm not going to make it, then I'll need to reschedule. Or if this war you speak of ends civilization as we know it, then it is the considerate thing to do, seeing as I am the host, that I cancel."

The Doctor's mouth was agape. He slowly shook his head and backed away, almost afraid of what I had just told birdman. Birdman took a few steps closer to me, towering over me by a few feet at least.

"And who, pray tell, are you to speak to me in this manner of speech?" I held my tongue, not knowing if it was rhetorical or not. "Go on!" he shouted. "You've already done you're fair share of speaking out of turn, the least you can do is tell me YOUR NAME!"

I gulped. This man, while yelling at me, had grown an easy 2 more feet. "I, Mr. Birdman, am Abi." Birdman smiled, his teeth were perfectly straight and white. When he tipped his head back and laughed, I saw rows of teeth.

"Well, Abi," He said the name as if it hurt his mouth to say those two combined syllables. "Do you know how much power I have over you, now that I know your true name?"

"I would answer your question," Cross arms. "But I'm afraid that you owe me and answer first. What day is it?" Birdman looked at me as if he hadn't the silliest of what I was talking about. "WHAT. DAY. IS. IT?" I shouted. I emphasized each word and leaned on one leg to show him I was relaxed. Okay, so that part was a lie.

"It is ___________. Are you happy?" The day was a mix of bleeps and bloops and other strange noises that all somehow made a word. I looked at the Doctor and he mouthed Wednesday.

"Thank you, my good-"

"Now, I will tell you. Since I know your true name, I have more than fifty times the control of a normal person. Oh, my dear little girl, never tell people your real name." He had a smile plastered to his face.

"Don't worry," I said, flipping my hair back over my shoulder. "I didn't."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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