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CatNoir had finally won the bet. They were finally going to reveal their identities to each other.

Ladybug:  So you have finally won kitty , Congrats !

CatNoir: I can't believe it , we are finally going to reveal !!! We will do it tonight.

Ladybug: That's OK with me, so we will meet at the top of the Eiffel Tower at midnight.

CatNoir: Sounds great Milady! See ya at midnight *winks*

Ladybug: Bug-Out

She couldn't believe either. How could she have fallen for his trick and loose . She had definitely never dreamt there reveal would taking place like this but she knew that she was not going to escape this .

~Time Skip -Midnight~

CatNoir: Hey Bugaboo, ready to reveal your paw-some identity? *smirks*

Ladybug:  Yeah definitely not !*rolls her eyes at the pun*

CatNoir: Mew-ouch Milady! 

Ladybug: CHATTTT!? *She yelled after hearing the annoying punnnn, though she liked them down inside but she would never admit it*

CatNoir: * chuckles* You look cute when you are irritated.

Ladybug: *facepalms* Lets get over with it already!

CatNoir: Somebody is eager to know who her Kitty is * he teased* Milady before we reveal i want to ask you a few questions about you if its OK with you ?

Ladybug: Sure Kitty but I would also like to ask you some after you are done taking my interview. 

CatNoir: Sure! So, what do you do when you aren't ladybug? 

Ladybug: I love to design and bake!!

CatNoir: Next, Whose your crush ? * he was sad  as he knew that it wasn't him but still he wanted to know who was the lucky boy who had stolen ladybug's heart*

Ladybug: Umm... you most probably know him cause he's kinda famous.It's Adrien .... Agrest... bu-* she was cut due to his yelling*

CatNoirWHATTT!?!? *He was shocked ; his breathing was at halt and felt that he was going to pass out ; he was just blindly staring at her*.

Ladybug:  CHAT!? * she waved her hand in front of his eyes that when he came back to his senses* 

CatNoir:  Why do you like him? You like him because of his fame and looks, don't you ?

Ladybug:*she felt  offended*  What of course not !!!!!  I like him because he is kind, caring, sweet, helpful and a lot more. He stands for the wrong doings. Yeah sure we can definitely say that he is hot, handsome  and has a lot of money and fame but that not the reason i fell for him. They are just the plus points. I like him for himself and not the fake one which he pretends to be for his dad.

CatNoir:  *He was astonished by her reaction and thought to himself "shes likes me, the real me " he kept on repeating the same thing in his mind was felt stupid for being jealous of himself this whole time.He also felt relaxed as she wouldn't be disappointed about his identity but would actually love him more*

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