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I scream! You scream!

We all scream for ice-cream!

Come on, now who doesn't love ice-cream? Everyone adores them! I do too. This is a great one-shot.  I hope you like it. Basically its ice-cream who helps Adrien and Marinette realize their love for each other and eventually kiss.

Now you must be wondering that : How the heck was an ice-cream able to help these oblivious teens?

So, for the answer to your questions is in the story below!  Go ahead, read and find out!

Let's Start~


It was a Sunday. Adrien, Mari, Alya and Nino had plans to meet at the park. They were going to hang out and luckily Gabriel had agreed to let Adrien go without his bodyguard or Natalie.

It was sure going to be a wonderful day for these four teens especially for the disguised superheroes.

At the park~

A: Hey Nino! Hey Alya!

N: What's up bro!

Al: Hey Adrikins! *Alya said in a teasing tone*

A: *groaned* Alya!!!!!!!! I hate being called that.

N: *laughing*

Al: *smirked*

A: Whatever! Does anyone know where Mari is?

M: I-I am right *pant* here A-drien! *she came running to her friends* Sorry, I am late.

N: No sweat dudette!

M: So, what are we doing?

A: I dunno, maybe go and eat some ice cream *he said with a cheeky smile*

Al: Great idea Adrikins! *she nudged him playfully*

M: Huh? Alya are you alright?

A: Yeah, she's fine but I would be CAT-astrophic if she continued to call me that name!

N: Did you just-

M: Make a cat pun! *rolled her eyes and groaned*

A: Yup! I am a CatNoir Fan *he said proudly and then grinned*

Al: I never knew that!

N: So, are we gonna go at Andrés shop or what?

Al: Of course, we are; let's go people!

They went to André and got ice-cream. Alya and Nino shared an ice cream as they were dating. While Adrien and Marinette had taken theirs individually.

All four friends sat on the bench nearby. DjWifi sat in the middle close to each other while Adrien and Mari sat on either side beside Nino and Alya respectively.

Adrien and Mari obviously didn't notice their ice-creams resemblance to someone but Alya and Nino did! They were shocked. Mari had ice-cream showing CatNoir as her soulmate and Adrien had ice-cream showing LadyBug as his soulmate.

Al: Marinette....

M: Hmm? *she said while licking her ice-cream*

Al: CatNoir is your soulmate!

Hearing this Adrien had his eyes wide and immediately looked towards Mari's ice-cream and then at her shy friend who was chocked on ice-cream presently.

N: No way! Bro Ladybug is your soulmate! *he said pointing towards his ice-cream*

This caused Marinette to choke even more and look at his ice-cream and then back down at hers.

Marinette's POV~

Huh? How's it possible!!!! Adrien got LB as his soulmate which is me in disguise and I have CN as my soulmate. Oh, shit this means that I have Adrien and CN both as my soulmates! Now that's crazy! How can I have two soulmates? This is not happening unless............

My crush, Adrien Agrest and my Kitty were the same people!!!!!!!

Aaahhhh!!! I was so blind! How could I have not seen the resemblance before?? The pun at the park, those emerald green eyes and blond hair. That common cheese stink! And of-course his soothing voice.... It all make sense!

My immediately darted towards Adrien and I saw him looking confused and thinking something. I knew what he was thinking. I was going to speak but he his daze got me off the track and I screamed.

Adrien's POV~

Wait what?! Mari has CN as her soulmate which is me in disguise and I have Milady as my soulmate. So technically, I have Mari and Milady both as my soulmates! This is im-paw-sible! Unless.........

My Bugaboo and my purrincess are the same-

It was puurfect! I had finally found who my Bugaboo was!

My head immediately shot up as realization hit me. As I looked up, I noticed that Mari was already staring at me with wide eyes and then I screamed for no reason.

(they were thinking at the same time but Mari realized first)

With DjWiFi~

Meanwhile Alya and Nino were busy eating ice-cream and flirting with each other. Alya was gonna say something but was interrupted by two screams by either of her side.

They both turned to look at their sides. They saw that Adrienette was screaming and while screaming they had ended up bumping the ground with their ice-creams on the floor.


(Adrienette - means Adrien and Marinette speak something together)

Adrienette: Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *landed on the ground with a thud and whined in pain*

Adrienette: IT'S YOU!!!! *they yelled on the top of their voices*

Alya and Nino were too confused to say anything.

A: Yes, it's me purr-incess!

M: And yeah, it's me *she said while blushing at the nick name*

They were staring at each other and without even realizing they both leaned in AND finally their lips met. Adrien pulled Mari closer by putting arms on her waist while Mari seated her arms behind his neck in order to deepen the kiss. Alya was shocked at what was happening but never stopped fangirling.

After they parted~

A: I love you Mari!

M: I love you too Adrien!

DjWiFi: What the hell just happened here?


Now don't worry, I have not forgotten about the part 2 of the last story. I will post it soon.

The name will be: The Grand Ball

Hope that you enjoyed reading this one-shot and will enjoy the ones I write in the future.


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