Chapter 20

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After taking a bath Sana quickly dressed up because at any minute Tzuyu will gonna coming to her place...

Sana put a light make up on her face and after preparing Sana check the dining table and she just smile when suddenly she hear a door bell at the door..

Sana quickly runs through the door and opened it....

"Tzuyu~ah ‼️ 🙂..." She excitedly said but her smile suddenly fades away when she didn't see Tzuyu...

"Hi, Sana..." The guy said.. 

"W-What are you doing here???.." Sana become nervous...

"What am I doing here??? Of course to see you ... Don't you miss me???.." The guy was about to hug her but Sana push him.

"Don't touch me...."

"Why??? What's wrong??? I thought we are dating???.."

"What??? I didn't say that so please stop bothering me...."

"What????.." The guy's eyebrows suddenly furrowed and he's not slowly irritated because of Sana's answer ..

"We're flirting at the bar ----- ....."

The guy didn't be able to finish what he was trying to say when Sana immediately cut him off.

"Yeah, we are just flirting... But, I didn't say that we are dating, or I'll date you... I'm in a relationship, now so please stop bothering me..."


The guy suddenly become furious... He quickly held Sana's wrist and dragged the latter inside...

"Aw! You're hurting me! What's wrong with you!...."

"Damn you!..." The guy shout as he pushed Sana in the couch...

"Ouch 😣...."

"Your Mine Sana...."


"Your fucking mine!..."

"No!..." Sana was about to stand up when suddenly the guy slapped her and it cause this to Sana to fall in the couch....

While the guy quickly went on top of her, he pinned Sana's two hands in the couch and he quickly starts kissing the latter's neck ..


"Don't shout!!!... I'll gonna hurt you more!!! If you shout!!!!!..." The guy said ...

Sana's body became weak, she wanted to push the guy but she don't have any strength.. the guy's grip on her hands was to tight, she can't even move it...

The guy was busy kissing her neck, while Sana was just thinking on Tzuyu... She wanted to shout for help but she's too weak ..

until seconds later they hear a broken glass in the door...

The guy stop kissing Sana, and they both look at the door... Sana sigh in relief when she saw Tzuyu...

"Tzuyu~ahhhh....." Sana quickly pushed the guy and it cause him to fall in the floor ..

"What are you two doing????.." Tzuyu's expression went blank while she was just staring at Sana ...

The guy smirked... "You're interfering us... Get your stuff in go...."

The guy was about to walk closer to Sana when suddenly...

"Try to lay your dirty hands again with her I will make sure you will be imprisoned."

"Who are you, huh???..." The guy walks closer to Tzuyu but Suddenly Tzuyu quickly grabbed his hand and twist it...

"AW!!!!!!..." The guy whimper in pain, while Tzuyu was dragging her outside ...

"Don't you ever come back here if you don't want me to break your other hand...." Tzuyu seriously said...

After talking to the guy Tzuyu went back inside, Sana quickly run to her and hugs her...

"Tzuyu~ahhhhh..." Sana didn't control herself as she burst out into tears...

Tzuyu suddenly gulp, as she hardly pushed Sana in the couch ...

"Tzuyu~ah..." Sana was surprised on what Tzuyu did...

"You are such a slut...." Tzuyu said while looking through Sana's eyes....

Sana for sure hear what Tzuyu said and it slowly breaking her heart..

"Tzu, I will explain..."

"What explanation Sana?! I thought we are okay?! I thought you changed already?! ."


"Do you know that guy?! He broke up with Mina because of you!!! He beat up Mina because of you!!!! And now, I will saw you with him?!! ..."

"Mina??..." Sana mumbled...

"Yeah! He's in a relationship with Mina!!! He's beating Mina!!!! Because of you!..."

"I-I didn't know... I'm not dating Jimin, I-I just meet him at the club...."

"You will expect me to believe that?..."

Tzuyu just smile bitterly... "You know what, let just stop this. I don't know how many guys you've dated, Beside you deserved to be in this kind of pain, since you ruined others relationship... Mina suffer because of you ..."

"Tzuyu~ah..." Sana was slowly breaking into pieces because of what all Tzuyu say to her...

"You're such a fucking whore.. I don't want to see your face anymore... I shouldn't trust you .." Tzuyu said as she quickly leave the place....

Sana fell down in the floor, she wanted to follow the latter but the hurtful words came out from Tzuyu's mouth gives her body more weakness, she just cry letting out all the pain inside her heart....


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