[18] What's Done Is Done

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S4 Ep: 13 "Into The Wild"
Ep: 14 "Down the Rabbit Hole"

[Outfit Above]S4 Ep: 13 "Into The Wild" & Ep: 14 "Down the Rabbit Hole"

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The next day their bodies laid still, haunting Klaus' sight. "You're still here? What are you doing?" Caroline asked Tyler as she entered the house through the back door. "Gloating." He answered simply before he began to pour himself a drink. "Hello, Caroline." Klaus greeted as he walked further into the living room revealing himself. Caroline glared at him for a moment until she turned back to Tyler. "Come home. Don't stoop to his level."

"He destroyed my life. I plan on being present for every second of his misery until I can kill him myself." Tyler said with a shake of his head. "Fine." Caroline signed. "You can gloat and multitask. This place is a disaster. Starting with a horrific corpse." Caroline searches through the kitchen to find a table cloth, she grabs it and places it over Kol's body with Tyler's help. The blonde looked up and caught a glimpse of someone laying on the couch. "Who else is here?"

Tyler shot up straight as Caroline began to walk towards the couch. "No, no, no Caroline." Tyler was too late to stop her from looking over. Caroline's heart stopped as she saw her friend's body on the sofa, confused by the sight. Tyler watched Caroline carefully and waited for a reaction but the blonde still stood frozen as her mind processed the sight of her best friend desiccated like a vampire. "Care...?" Tyler called softly as he approached her and set a hand on her back making her mind suddenly click. Bella was dead. "Bell..Bella." Caroline mumbled as she sat down on the coffee table, she covered her mouth with both of her hands. "W-what happened? Was it-" Caroline trailed off and looked up at Tyler expectantly. Tyler nodded at her words."When Jeremy killed Kol she died with him.."

Caroline shook her head and hid her face in her hands. "They were just supposed to dagger him not-not kill him." Sniffling Caroline's head snapped back up in horror. "Oh my god...Matt." Caroline raised her head and looked at Tyler with tears in her eyes. "Matt doesn't know." Tyler sat down next to her and rubbed her back soothingly. Tyler wasn't very close with Bella but he still cared for her. "I-I'll call him...okay?" Caroline only nodded and held her balled up hands against her lips as she silently cried.

After Caroline was cured from the bite Klaus gave her she had left the house to get changed and bring her laptop over to help decipher the sword and Jeremy's tattoo

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After Caroline was cured from the bite Klaus gave her she had left the house to get changed and bring her laptop over to help decipher the sword and Jeremy's tattoo. None of them expected someone to join them. A loud gasp startled the three of them and they all looked towards the kitchen where Kol was now standing. The grey veins had disappeared and he looked as if nothing happened besides the blood stain on his shirt.

"What the hell?" Tyler breathes out. "But if.." Caroline trailed off and looked down to Bella to see her still greyed and without a heartbeat. "No. No that's not fair." Kol saw the blonde start to get frustrated and almost stomp her foot. "What happened? Where's Bella?" He asked, causing them all to look at him some with fear and sadness. "Kol.." Klaus whispered.

"Where is she?" Kol demanded firmly. Caroline moved out of the way as Kol walked closer towards where she was. "No.." His voice was barely above a whisper as he reached the couch and saw Bella. "Why isn't she waking up?! If I'm up why isn't she?" No one had an answer to his furious questions. Kol's knees buckled beneath him and he leaned against the side of the couch with Bella's body in his arms. "Come on, Darling...it's time to wake up. You have to wake up." Kol cried, he bit into his wrist and tried to give her his blood but it still did nothing.

He sobbed while brushing back her hair softly, seeing her not moving and her skin still remaining the deathly grey, he cradled her closer. "Wake up." He choked while holding her head against his shoulder. Kol didn't care that those around him were seeing him cry. He didn't care that they saw his weakness. He just wanted her back.

Poor baby 🥺 Care's and Kol's reactions killed me I didn't wanna hurt them but like

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Poor baby 🥺
Care's and Kol's reactions killed me I didn't wanna hurt them but like..ugh I sad now
- A

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