Prologue 01-02: Run away, go home, and then...

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This is the story of an average boy.

From his perspective, 2 years had passed since the end of that April.

At that time, golden week was just around the corner. And he and his family would be going on a rare trip together.

Eager and impatient, he hurried back home as soon as school ended.

But as luck would have it, he suddenly fell – or was sucked – into something, and he vanished from the world.

By the time he came to, he was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded only by the greens of mother nature.

Although he didnt make a commotion due to his personality, he was still understandably shocked.

After some time, he calmed down. But nevertheless, he was still at a loss with no idea how to proceed.

For a 13-year-old boy who had no knowledge on survival – or techniques for that matter – there was nothing else for him but to loiter about.

His phone was out of the question. The signal just couldnt reach this odd forest filled with odd trees and plants he had never before seen or heard of.

Odd animals even roamed about.

A horned spider. A fire breathing rabbit. A giant bird as big as a jumbo jet, flying about in the sky.

He averted his eyes, trying to convince himself that this was not real, but eventually, even that reached its limits.

After fearlessly running from the giant bird, somehow someway he won lady lucks favor, and he managed to exit the forest.

But as far as his luck was concerned, that was it.

With the giant bird gone, he breathed a sigh of relief, and it finally dawned on him.

But then again, it was really more of him being forced to acknowledge rather than just him coming to a realization.

Strange small animals were one thing. After all, those could still be blamed on his lack of knowledge. But giant birds were another thing altogether. Those couldnt possibly exist on Earth.

So there was no choice left to him, but to acknowledge it. And by it, that is of course referring to the fact that he was no longer on Earth. He was in a different world.

For a boy his age who was loved reading books and comics, he had his fair share of knowledge regarding otherworld matters.

But as for whether it was for better or for worse that he quickly realized it, it was more or less neither.

After all, there was still nothing he could do about it.

So off he walked just as he did before, leaving behind the forest, as he tried to stifle any sort of uneasiness within him.

Why was he thrown into this world? What should he do from now on? Will he meet anyone here?

And if he does, will they lend him a hand? To begin with, are there even humans in this world?

If there are, how was he supposed to explain himself?

The more he thought, the more anxious he grew, so he stopped.

He chased away the one thing he didnt want to worry about the most to a corner in his mind, where it was drowned out by other worries.

But in the end, he still ended up thinking about it.

––––––Can I even go home?

Could he go back home to that house? To that house where his parents and his siblings were waiting?

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