Repercussions Arc 1: 03-01 The School from His Perspective (Outside)

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A week had already passed since his return to Earth.

But he was yet to pull himself back together after the unexpected events that immediately followed his return.

What had been turned upside down was not his intellect, but his emotions and feelings.

The slightest brooding would cause dark thoughts to fill his mind. But he was well aware of that. So – to some extent – he decided to first put his disordered heart aside, and prioritize getting used to the environment. Whether it was locking himself in a room, being depressed, or despairing it wasnt the time for such things.

So when he stopped being able to think of any other way other than to run, he knew that the situation had turned for the worse.

And that was precisely why he ended up being pushed into this seemingly troublesome situation.

Although this was once again for the sake of running away from the various problems that plagued him – another form of escapism so to speak. But from his perspective, if he had to choose between his own problems and the worlds – which was related to his current delicate standing – then his problems are of a bigger concern. Because of his ties with another world, his return home was special.

Although he did nothing, the world that had just began to calm, was once again shaken by his existence.

Considering that the very reason he returned was to avoid that very situation Its an ironic story.

And because of that, I had no choice but to come here. But you know what? My lucks actually pretty good. Its convenient for me too. I mean, just how am I supposed to tell them that its hard for me to be at home anyway?

But despite that, the most important thing for him was still his family.

The consequences of his ties to another world which affected his family still weighs heavily upon his heart today.

With his head, muddled, and his chest, aching, it was difficult for him to spend time with his family.

Which is why he keeps telling himself that its convenient as he continues to look up this building, that he will be attending from this day on.

—-UN-Garesto Union Special High School—-

Also known as, Garesto Academy.

The whole campus was so big that it couldnt be completely seen from the entrance. It also had a unique design that set it apart from traditional schools.

But that was only natural. After all, this academy had been constructed mostly with Garesto Technology. The mechanical-like structures that it consisted of were proof of that as an otherworldly aura could be clearly felt from them.

That was especially true for him, who came from Falandia, as Falandias buildings were all mostly built out of stone.

But despite that eerie atmosphere, he couldnt help but laugh out loud when he heard the schools alias.

This school was formally known as the UN-Garesto Union Special High School.

As the word, UN, implied, this was a school that was made alongside the United Nations.

But despite that, the alias actually blatantly excluded one side, showing only one side in the alias: Garesto Academy.

True, its an appropriate name, length considered. But its so completely one-sided, that from an outsiders perspective, it looks as if one side had completely absorbed the other.

As a result, it wouldnt be too far out the left field for people to think of this school as the sole property of Garesto.

Haa And even the inside is a mystery

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