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• Sammy •

Kenny, Skate and I are all out in the main part of the tour bus just chilling and sitting on the couches on our phones 2 1/2 hours before Digi when Andrea walks into the room.
"I love but hate living with 6 guys on a tour bus for two and a half weeks." She complains, picking up a shirt of Skate's and flinging it away from the furniture so she can sit in the chair.
"What's so bad about it?" I ask.
"I love you guys and all but I don't like being the only girl on this tour. We need more girls involved in Digi. I think it could be a whole lot more fun if I weren't the only girl. Having girl talks with you guys is just awkward and weird...." Andrea states.
"She does have a point...." Kenny points out.
"Awkward period talks are never fun...." Skate laughs.
"Exactly." I reply.
"See! There needs to be more girls on Digi with us!"
"True.... I could use a new girlfriend.... Maybe I could find one by having more girls on tour..." I joke.
Andrea gets up and playfully smacks me. "Oh shut up." She giggles.
"You know you want this." I say gesturing to my body.
"I know I want that or that." She says gesturing towards Skate and Kenny.
I stare at her in horror. "Really? You'd rather have one of them than have me? I'm way more fun than either of those two."
"You're just jealous because a babe like her doesn't want you." Skate laughs.
"Exactly. But I don't know which of you I want...." She smirks.
"Hmmmm. I don't know...." Kenny laughs.
"So, more girls on Digi." I say.
"Did you talk to management?" Skate asks.
"You betcha!" She replies excitedly.
"And?" The three of us guys ask her.
"They said that as long as we find some willing and talented girl or girls, we can add some last minute."
"Okay!" I say excitedly. I need a new girlfriend.....
"Sammy I know that look, no. You won't find yourself a girlfriend! Just be patient." Andrea laughs. God she's such a dork and she's super pretty. Two great qualities in a girl. 😂
"Fine." I pout.
"Can we find me a little mama sometime before the end of the tour?" Skate jokes with a smirk and a wink.
Andrea rolls her eyes. "You guys are unbelievable." She looks at Kenny. "Kenny's the normal one right now. He's the only one not making girlfriend jokes."
"I'm just that perfect." He says with his eyes shut and closed mouth smile.
Andrea laughs. "Totally."
"So, I think I'm gonna take a little walk into the venue to make sure there's nothing I needed to do. Plus I'm bored and need exercise. I'll be back later." Kenny says, getting up and pulling a deuces with a cheesy smile.
"Bye you goofball." Andrea laughs.
Kenny smiles at her and she smiles back, then he heads towards the door.
Jeez they just need to admit their feelings for each other already!
Kenny goes out the door and shuts the door. Suddenly you hear some screams.
"Well..... Kenny just died." Skate jokes.
"Oh my God we killed Kenny!" I laugh, saying it in Stan's voice, at the same time as Skate.
"Hey! Don't even joke about that!" Andrea giggles.
"Is somebody protecting Kenny?" Skate wonders.
"Or are you saying not to reference South Park....?" I ask.
Andrea laughs sounding somewhat nervous. "I didn't even catch that South Park reference."
"Andreaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?" I say in a playful voice. Like it's all high pitched and like 'I know you're hiding something from me.'
"Yes Sammyyyyyyyyyyyyy?" She mocks.
"Do you like Kenny?" Skate asks.
"No! What would makes you think that?"
"I don't know... Maybe your sweet, little innocent girl vibe coming off you right now." He raises an eyebrow at her.
"No! I don't like Kenny guys. I swear...." She says.
I don't buy it. I feel like she's acting. 😏
Soon Digi actually starts for the night. There's a super pretty African American girl a cover rows back from the stage with her friend. The entire show I can feel her eyes on me. It's cute. She's cute. She's beautiful.
"Okay everyone, tonight we have a special treat for everyone. We're gonna play a game and pick random fans to come up here and join us." Kenny says, getting ready to start our game for the night.
"Yeah, how does that sound?" Skate says to the audience. I look out at the girl and her friend and their eyes are glued to Kenny, Skate and I.
"I think it sounds pretty fucking awesome." I grin.
"But who's gonna pick the game?"
"Or the fans?"
"You two pick the fans, I'm picking the game." Kenny says mischievously.
"Okay!" Skate and I reply excitedly together.
Girls begin screaming out "What's the game?" Or "What game are you picking?!" Hmmmm ya. I wonder what game Kenny will end up picking tonight...?
"My game is truth or dare." Kenny smiles. "So here's the rules. My bros will pick eight lucky girls, four each, and we'll begin the game of truth or dare. Then you lucky fans will come up onstage with us and do the challenge and what not that the three of us amigos come up with. How's that sound?"
Lots of girls scream out their yeahs and so Skate and I begin to pick some lucky girls from the audience. I pick two girls. They both scream and come excitedly up to the stage.
The girl and her friend yell and trying to get mine and Skate's attention. I make eye contact with the African American girl and smile at her. "You in the cute baby blue tanktop and white sweater." I point at her.
She looks shocked that I picked her but quickly recovers.
I notice her smile while she leaves her spot to come up on stage with us.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kenny lean over and whisper something into Skate's ear and he smirks at Kenny while Kenny smiles sheepishly. Then Skate looks at the African American beauty's friend and picks her.
There are now 6 girls picked. Skate and I each pick one more girl, then we begin the game. The girls go in order of when we picked them and the beauty goes fifth.
"Okay hi, what's your name? I remember you and your friend from before the show tonight, I took a pic with both of you!" Kenny says with a smile.
"I'm Kylie." She says, sounding a bit shy. Okay, her name is Kylie. Hmmmm... When I think Kylie I think blond.... Is that just me....? Anyways.....
"Hi Kylie!" Skate says with a dimples exposed smile to her.
"Well hi Kylie! Truth or dare?" I ask.
"Dare!" She replies. Ooooh. My kind of girl, she's daring.
The three of us guys discuss Kylie's dare for a moment.
"We could see if she can sing?" Skate whisper suggests.
"Ya. Then what would we have her sing?" Kenny replies.
"Uhhhh. I don't know one of our songs..?" I suggest.
"Or a popular song.."
"Ya. We could do that." Kenny replies. He looks at Kylie, who looks to be anticipating what her dare is. "Can you sing?" Kenny asks her.
"Yeah. I don't think I'm very good but I can sing." Kylie laughs nervously. God, she's adorable
"Are you familiar with our song Passion for the Fashion?" Skate asks her.
"Of course! I love that song!" Yup, she's a keeper. 😍
"Good. I dare you to sing PFTF." I smile.
"Okay." She replies a bit nervous. She sings and it's absolutely, fucking amazing. Not even kidding. When she's done singing the song, the guys and I just look at her. The crowd is completely silent for once. No one talks, we don't want to ruin the perfect echo of her voice off the walls.
"What?" She asks looking nervous.
"That was fantastic. I loved it." I say.
"Fantastic? That was fucking amazing! You're super talented!" Skate says.
"Thanks." Kylie replies.
"No problem." We tell her.
Andrea comes out onstage. "Okay who just sang that song amazingly?" She asks, looking at the fans standing here on the stage with us.
"I did." Kylie says looking nervous and shy and innocent and fucking adorable. 🙈
"You did a great job! You're really talented!"
"Thanks." Kylie replies smiling. Her smile is adorable.
"No problem."
"Okay, thanks Kylie for singing and knocking our socks off. You were truly fantastic, wow. Wasn't she really good guys?" Kenny looks at the audience.
Everyone claps and cheers her on. "The audience has spoken." Kenny says happily.
"Encore!" Someone screams from the audience.
I look at her, then the crowd, then the 3 girls that are still in the line behind Kylie.
"Do you wanna do an encore?" Skate asks.
"Encore!" Andrea says.
"Sure but is that okay with the people behind me?" She laughs nervously.
"Go ahead! You were fantastic!" The one says.
"You are so talented! Keep singing!"
"Thanks guys." She blushes a little. "I'll sing another song.... What song though?"
"How about.... You pick the song?" I suggest with a smile.
"Okay." She smiles then sings All About That Bass by Meghan Trainer. When she's done everyone cheers some more.
"You're so talented!" Andrea says.
"Thanks." Kylie replies, smiling happily.
Skate, Kenny and I compliment her then it's her friend's turn to do something.
"Hi girl I met in the parking lot." Kenny smiles at her.
"Hi extremely attractive and super sweet guy I'm falling for." The girl giggles.
"So cutie, what's your name?" Kenny asks her.
"I'm Shelby."
"Hi Shelby. What would you like to do?" Kenny asks, never looking away from Shelby.
Oooh. 😏 Did something happen earlier when Kenny "died." 😏😏😏😏 I think yes... 😏😏😏😏😏
"I can't sing like Kylie can.... But I can kinda rap and sing." She laughs embarrassed.
"Really?" Kenny asks. "Like what kind of songs?"
"Well, not to brag or anything but I know all the words to Wildlife, Flights and Distance by Jack and Jack."
Of course she does. 😂 Most people only know who Kenny, Skate and I are BECAUSE of the tour over the summer. 😂
"SING ONE!" Someone in the audience yells.
Skate and I look at each other and laugh. That sounds all too familiar. We heard that A BUNCH at other shows and over the summer. 😂😂😂😂😂
"Okay, should I sing one...?" Shelby asks Kenny.
"Hell yes. Shelby I dare you to sing Wildlife." Kenny smiles.
"Okay." She replies then begins to sing... Or rap.. Wildlife. "Wild like wild life. Yeah no telling what I might do when I'm in the right mood you know me I'm all up in the party like a VIP and everything is looking better from my POV. Nocturnal animals we don't sleep and I'll probably forget you Cee Lo Green." You get the point. 😂 She raps and sings the entire song and she's pretty amazing! Hmmm.... Too bad I didn't film her, I could've told the Jacks about her.... I mean I still could but.... 😏
The audience cheers when she's done. She does a goofy bow and Kenny smiles at her. "You were great." He compliments.
"Thanks." She smiles happily.
They flirting. (A/N said in funny voice lol -Shelby 🙈💕) 😂
The last two girls go and then the girls go back to their seats. The rest of the event goes on. Then soon it's over. The meet and greet begins a couple minutes after that.
Kenny, Skate, Andrea and I discuss how talented Kylie and her friend Shelby were right after the show ends.
"I want them to joinnnnnn." Andrea whines.
"Talk to management. I want them to join too." I say.
"Me too." Kenny smiles.
"Hopefully, they come to the M&G so we can talk to them.... I'll go ask management real quick!" Andrea says.
She bounces off and then it's just us guys. "So, you and that girl seemed to be pretty friendly..." I say wagging my eyebrows at Kenny.
He smiles. "I met her and Kylie before the show in the parking lot when there were all those screaming girls and stuff. She's really pretty. I think it would be fun to have her on Digi with us. We could use a rapping girl."
"That would be badass to be honest." Skate laughs.
"Agreed." I laugh along with him.
The meet and greet happens and I freak out a little when I don't see Kylie. I can tell Kenny and Skate are anxious too. They better show up because we NEED them on the rest of the tour with us.
They show up near the end and get their pic taken with everyone. Then they're walking away to leave. I look at the others and they motion for me to go talk to them.
I tap Kylie's shoulder. She turns around and looks like she might cry of happiness.
"Hi. Andrea, Skate, Kenny, the person in charge of DigiTour Slay Bells and I were wondering if you maybe wanted to join Digi for the rest of the shows? You were so talented and we could use you guys. Andrea is lonely having to share a bus with 6 guys. Basically what I'm trying to say is, DigiTour Slay Bells needs you guys. Are you interested?" I ask her. Hopefully she agrees!
She looks like she's debating in her mind what to do.
"What about me?" Shelby asks.
"You can join too!"
"Okay! I'm in. I hate it in college anyway, fuck that place! I would rather travel and hangout with some hot guys." She laughs, blushing a little bit. That's cute.
"What about you?" I ask Kylie, probably sounding desperate as fuck but I don't care. Digi needs her. I feel like I NEED her.
She makes a face. "I would really and truly love to join Digi and be with you guys but I'm not 18 yet and my mom is kinda overprotective and probably won't say yes." She says sadly.
My smile drops off my face and my heart literally drops in disappointment. Dammit, I really want her to join. 😭😫😩
"Kylie, if you can't join then I'm not fucking joining." Shelby says looking at Kylie with a straight face.
"No Shelby. It's fine if you go and join without me." Kylie says but you can tell she's not okay with it.
"No. I'm not gonna join without my internet BFF. It was these guys and Jack and Jack who made us friends in the first place. I'm not joining without you!" Shelby whines.
Kylie hugs her. "I love you Shelby." She turns back to me. "I'll talk to my mom."
"Okay." I smile at her, hopeful.
"Uhhhh. When do you need to know by?"
"I mean tomorrow we're gonna be in Phoenix. Then we take a break till my birthday then we head to San Antonio on the 12th..... Like I understand if you can't go to Phoenix considering it's REALLY short notice and you would literally have to go home now and ya know pack and stuff and be back in less than two hours.... But ya...." I feel nervous. Jesus why am I so nervous right now?
"Ya, mom would say no to Phoenix because of such short notice." Kylie laughs.
"But do you think you could convince her to let you go to San Antonio? And the other shows?"
"Possibly..... When would you need a for sure answer?"
"Probably in like two days.... Or on my birthday."
"Okay, I'll talk to my mom. I hope she says yes. I really wanna go on DigiTour! It'd be awesome!"
"Okay! So what's your Twitter? I'll follow you then we can talk and stuff." I smile excitedly, pulling out my phone and going to the Twitter app and clicking the search button. I hand it to her and she types her username in and hands it back. I follow her back and her phone goes off with the notification and she looks at her phone and smiles. I look at Shelby. "How about you? I'll follow you and then tell Kenny your username."
"Oh my fucking God really?" She says excitedly.
"Hell yeah!" I laugh.
"Okay! It's slpottorff13!"
"How the fuck do you spell that?" I laugh.
"S-l-p-o-t-t-o-r-f-f then 13." She replies.
"Okay." I type it in and follow her. Her picture is a her taking a mirror selfie with a black coat and a bluish colored beanie on. "Followed."
"Thanks so much Sammy!" Kylie and Shelby tell me.
"No problem." I look at Kylie. "Oh, then-"
Kenny, Andrea and Skate walk up then because the M&G has ended. "Good you're still here! Hi Shelby." Kenny was excitedly and walks over to her. They talk and it's cute. 😂
"So, are you joining?" Skate asks.
"I want to so much! But I have to talk to my mom because I'm not 18 yet... And she's kinda overprotective at times. It sucks. But I'm hoping I can!" Kylie says.
"Well, just text us if you can!" Andrea says.
Skate and Andrea follow Kylie on Twitter too and we all end up exchanging numbers with each other, that way then it's easier to contact each other if Kylie can for sure join. We give her management's number too.
"Hopefully you can join." Skate winks at her.
She smiles widely. "Me too. Thanks for everything guys. You guys are fucking amazing, I'm not just saying that. You are. You're awesome. Thanks so much for this opportunity."
"No problem babe." Skate tells her.
Part of me feels jealous because Skate is hitting on her but I don't know why I'm jealous. 😳
"Hope you can join!" Andrea tells her and hugs Kylie.
Kylie giggles then looks at her phone. "Shit, I gotta get going. I've gotta go to hell tomorrow..." She jokes.
"High school?" I ask.
"Yup." She laughs. "It was awesome meeting you guys and thanks again for this amazing opportunity!" She hugs us all then her and Shelby wave goodbye and walk towards the doors to leave.
"Text us if you can come on tour!" I call after them.
"Will do!" Kylie calls back with a grin.
Then they're gone. Skate elbows me playfully. "You so like her." He smirks.
I elbow him back. "So do you."
"I know." He laughs.

Passion for the Fashion *a DigiTour/ Skate/ Sammy fic*Where stories live. Discover now