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a/n sorry for my ugly face haha let's pretend I'm pretty enough for a hot famous guy. Example: Omaha Lane, Brent Rivera & Kenny holland lmfao. 😂😂😂😂😂 welllll bye! -SLJW 🙈💕

• Shelby •

The first few hours of DigiTour are great. The guys and Andrea make Kylie and I feel so welcomed! Kenny and I end up talking and flirting for hours. 😍 I don't even know when I fell asleep.....
I open my eyes and find myself in an unfamiliar room. I look around and realize I'm in the main living room like area of the tour bus. I sit up and find the extremely adorable Kenny Holland, still sleeping on the couch. I giggle and get up off the couch, grabbing my phone and go off in search of Kylie and/ or Andrea. Kylie is still asleep in her bed, as is Andrea. Andrea has one of those face mask things on covering her eyes. I soooo knew she would. 😂 Well, since they're not up yet.... I guess I'll just go back to the couch.
As I'm walking back, I hear movement behind me. "Morning! Shelby, right?" I hear the voice of Brent Rivera ask.
I turn around. "Hi Brent! Ya. I'm Shelby." I giggle. OMFG Brent Rivera knows my name. 😍 Brent Rivera is bae. I mean Kenny Holland is Bae too but ya know. A girl can have multiple baes. 😉😏 It's not a crime.
"You and I are the only ones up yet." He laughs. His laugh is funny and cute and makes you laugh too because of how contagious his little laugh is. 😍
I laugh a little. "Really?"
"It's like eleven. What the hell?" I giggle.
"We're all lazy." He replies simply. "Plus there's no where to go since we are on a moving tour bus right now..."
"Okay." I laugh again. "True."
"So, wanna hangout then?"
I shrug. "Sure." OMFG Brent Rivera invited me to hangout with him! 😱😭😫😩😍
"Okay. Whatcha wanna do?"
"I don't know." I reply.
"Wanna make a Vine or a YouTube video? I'm slacking on both at the moment."
"Okay. Sure." I reply. I'm gonna be in Brent Rivera's new YouTube video or Vine! That's freaking awesome!
"Hmmmm. What should we do?"
"I don't know. I mean you could introduce me to the fans since they probably don't know who me and Kylie are...."
"Very true!"
So Brent and I make a Vine.
"Hey guys! I'd like introduce you to my gorgeous new friend Shelby! She just joined Digi last night!" Brent says excitedly looking over at me.
I wave awkwardly. "Hey guys! I'm Shelby!"
"We're gonna make a YouTube video so check it out! Byeee!" He edits it a bit then posts it, tagging my Vine.
My Vine immediately gets blown up. Well damn. I check my notifications and discover I have a bunch of new followers. All within the last like 12 hours.... I have like 200+ new followers.... Damn. Then Brent and I work on a quick and simple YouTube video in the main room, Kenny's still asleep out here.
"So hey guys! If you saw my Vine then you'd know who this beautiful girl is sitting next to me is."
I blush. "I'm not beautiful." I giggle shyly.
Brent looks away from the camera and at me instead. "Shut up yes you are." He looks back at the camera. "Anyways guys if you didn't see my Vine then this is Shelby! She and her friend Kylie joined DigiTour last night! But I guess she could tell you a little about herself." He laughs then makes a face. "Oh and ignore Kenny in the background. He's still asleep." Brent laughs again.
"Well hey guys. I'm Shelby." I do an awkward half 'Imagination' wave (like from Spongebob but with only one hand lol). "So my friend Kylie and I joined the Digi family last night because I guess I rap good?" I giggle a bit. "But ya Kylie can sing and she's good so the amazing DigiTour family asked us to join them." I smile. "But if you wanna know a little about me then I'll let you know. I'm 19, I'm a college student- I hate it so much. I hate school to be honest. I love to write stories, I wanna be an author. Uhhhhh I love Jack and Jack... And Sammy and Skate and Kenny and Brent too," I see him smile out of the corner of my eye. "I'm literally so happy and excited to be a part of DigiTour SlayBells not even kidding! I'm excited to get to know the famous people I fell in love with- especially Andrea! She's like forever my woman crush." I laugh, embarrassed. "Anywaysssss I like music. Pretty much anything from Jack and Jack, Sammy or Skate or Kenny uhhhh 2Virgins... I like Brent singing too.... I don't know I like music. I'm not that picky." I almost forgot my favorite singers! "OH MY GOD AND I LOVE EMBLEM3! To the ends of the earth and back I will love them! I have loved them since the start and always will and ya. Okay that's enough about me.... You get the gist. I'm crazy, I'm shy and awkward and weird. Okay bye!" I say leaning forward and hiding my face in my hands. I come back up after a moment.
Brent's dying laughing. "Well guys that's Shelby. I'm sure someone else will do a video with Kylie so you can get to know her. Anyways bye guys don't forget to follow me on social media. Links in bio. Follow Shelby on everything!" He looks at me for help.
"Twitter: @slpottorff13 that's s-l-p-o double t o-r double f 13. Instagram: I have two.... A fangirl account and a normal one. Main is: shelbylynn_cookie. Fan is: slpottorffsprincess13. The links will be the bio." I laugh. "Vine... Shelbylynn_cookie. Ya that's about it...." I look back at Brent.
"Her links will also be in the bio! Until next time, bye beautiful people. I love you all." He covers the camera with his hands. Then moves them back. "Oh also guys, Shelby and I aren't dating. Just making that clear. Okay bye!"
I hold up a peace sign and make an ugly face. "Bye guys!"
Then Brent ends the video.
"Well that was fun, I just made one of my first ever Vines and my first ever YouTube video. That was fun." I giggle.
"You've never made a YouTube video!?" He asks in shock.
"Nope. I only watch them. And write stories. Those are my biggest hobbies." I reply.
"Okay. Wow." He replies. "While you are here, you're gonna make Vines and YouTube videos okay?"
"Okay. Sounds good to me." I laugh.
Brent edits the video then posts it to YouTube adding links to my social media things. Immediately my phone gets blown up. I earn like 300 new Twitter followers in less than 20 minutes! What is this!? 😱😱😱😱😱
Kenny finally wakes up around 12:30. Then I hangout with him and he sings to me while I write a story.
"Whatcha doing there Bae?" He asks curiously peeking over my shoulder.
"Writing a fanfic." I reply, feeling the blush creeping up my cheeks.
"You write stories? Who are they about?"
"Jack and Jack...." I reply embarrassed.
He laughs. "Really?"
"I wanna read one." He replies seriously.
"Okay.... I'll send you the link?"
"That works then I could read it more."
I find the link to my most popular fanfic and text it to him (since I have his number 😍) and he starts reading it while I work on an update of that story.
Twenty minutes later, I've updated and he's read a couple chapters. "I love it. The plot line is awesome. Gilinsky sounds like a jealous asshole though and Johnson sounds like he's obsessed with Mallory. But I mean Jallory were a great couple." He laughs. "And Gilinsky can be jealous about girls."
"Thanks." I reply, feeling embarrassed that a guy has read my story, and not just any guy but KENNY FREAKING HOLLAND! 😍🙈
"No problem. No need to feel embarrassed. You're a great writer. I love the story." He kisses my cheek. 😍😱😭
I smile. "Thanks."
So joining DigiTour SlayBells was probably the best decision I've EVER made! 😍❤️

A/N my phone is working again. It should hopefully work long enough for me to post ch7... And then I'm updating 3 chapters of Tides. :) lol love you. Byeeee

-Shelby Lynn Jolinsky Wilkaloley 🙈💕

Passion for the Fashion *a DigiTour/ Skate/ Sammy fic*Where stories live. Discover now