chapter ➊➋

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(listen to song ^ while reading this chapter, I feel like it works really well together)

Brooklyn's POV

the morning had already seemed strange from the second I woke up at 9:00.

I heard a nurse pass by my room saying, "she's gonna get released today, hope all goes well!"

yeah right.

nothing is going to help me.
I can't remember anything come on.

finally another nurse came in my room.
she walked over to the blinds and opened them,
"this is going to be a big day!"

she sounded so excited.
I was too but I was also afraid.
I think people are hoping that when I'm released from the hospital that I will remember things but I honestly don't think that's going to happen.

"get up , get dressed, and have some breakfast ."
the nurse looked at me with a huge smile.

I nodded my head and started to get ready.
I almost didn't even remember how to put on clothes but that's just dumb. I figured it out eventually.

this was the first time I have actually been in new clothes besides when I would take baths. the hospital allowed me to take baths but I had to be under medication because I might hit my head again.

how stupid?
they really don't trust me here.

I put on a white shirt that said "nirvana" I didn't really remember what it was but I must have liked what ever it was when I had memory. then I had some black jeans and slipped on some white high tops.

I waited in my room until someone came to excuse me out.

while I was waiting I looked into the mirror they had.
I have looked in the mirror to see myself many many times but I never really understood anything.

I just looked at myself this time. I brushed my hand against my scars and put on a jacket.

I didn't need to remember that.

then the doctor entered the room.

"brooklyn. it's time."

I looked back at my old hospital room.


I nodded and then followed the doctor.

"someone is waiting for you."

I was actually very surprised when he said that cause who would actually want to see me. I'm just going to disappoint them.


he nodded and pointed to the benches by the exit door. sitting on the benches was a boy with blonde hair, lip ring, pretty tall, and he looked familiar. he looked like that guy luke.


that was luke.

of course it was.

I walked toward him and he smiled. it was a gentle smile , he looked happy.

"well hello brooklyn."
his australian accent was so thick. I never actually thought about it. I never really studied his face because at the time I had no idea what to do because i didn't know him.

but I know him.

for sure.

"hello luke." I smiled back

"alright let's leave this hell."

it wasn't exactly hell to me.
I mean it kind of helped me
but in a way it was.
it just was.

we both walked over to the door and when I walked outside.
I was so shocked.
it was so beautiful.
it's been so long , I mean I can't remember besides the few memory traces but it was so beautiful.
humongous trees and there were birds chirping. the sky was a deep blue and I was so amazed.

that hospital was hell.
it trapped me from this.

luke looked at me,
"pretty great huh?"
he smirked.
damn. how do I already have feelings for someone I barely know.

there was a car waiting in front of us.
luke walked toward it and opened the door for me.
"shall we?"

I smiled. "we shall."
I got into the front seat and he got in next to me.

okay next stop the park.
his smile made me so happy.
even if the worst things happen.
I would just see him smile and it made me happy.

he turned on the radio and a song called on.
"yes! blink" he said with enthusiasm he started to sing along to the song , "I fell in love with the girl at the rock show she said what and I told her I didn't know she's so cool gonna sneak in through her window..."

he was so excited about it.
all of a sudden I joined in,
"everything's better when she's around I can't wait till her parents go out of town I fell in love with the girl at the rock show!"

we both sang the entire song , we were laughing about each other and when the song was over luke asked me,
"you know blink?!"

I laughed ,

luke chuckled, "of course you remember a song but not your best friend."
he gave me a nudge and I just said ,"shut up" and laughed.

it took about 10 minutes till we were at the park.
luke parked the car and opened my car door to let me out.

"here we are... beautiful isn't it. just like you."

a/n: finally a chapter I hope you guys were waiting for , most likely gonna update again tonight I just have to do my homework but yay i actually really like how this chapter turned out xx

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