Chapter Fourteen.

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"My darling!"

I jump in my father's arms and he laughs as I kiss him everywhere on his face.

"How are you dear?" He asks, a huge smile on his lips.

"Great! What did you do today in the office?"

The laugh of my father turns into a smirk and when he puts me back on the ground, he looks up to the men in the room. They are staring at us, some of them smiling, and others laughing. They seem nice.



"Emma, what did he tell you?" Asks Thomas again.

Should I lie?

"We talked about the church"

"She's fucking lying," scoffs John.

What happens afterwards is so surprising, it's almost like it isn't true.

Arthur grabs both my arms to bring me really close to him. His face goes from worries to anger in just a snap.

"What did he told you?!" Shouts Arthur.

I am frozen. I have never seen someone so angry for just words. And they don't have any proof that I am lying. Of course, I am, but they aren't sure of that.

"Now, come on Arthur, everybody's looking. Let go of the lady," says Thomas while looking around.

And when the brother doesn't obey, I decide to take matters into my own hands.

"Let me go," I say firmly. "This is an order"

Arthur scoffs. "From who?"

"From a Langdon"

"Oh yeah? We're the Peaky Fucking Blinders"

"Arthur!" Shouts Thomas.

"And you'll be blinded for good if you do not let me go," I assure.

I remain as calm as possible. The opposite of Arthur. He is getting angrier, and for the first time since I've met him, I am fearing for my life. Ackley isn't here. None of them are here. I am all alone to face the Peaky Blinders.

"What the fuck has gotten into you boys?" Asks Ada when she stands next to her brothers.

"Nothing to see here Ada," replies John.

"Let go of her Arthur!" She shouts. Ada grabs her brother's hands and he finally let go of me. "What the fuck happened?"

"Father Hughes told her something," answers John. "She won't say what"

"Are you out of your minds?! This is a public event. You cannot behave like bulldogs"

Before this situation can get out of hands, I turn around and walk out of the hall. I have no idea how I'll get home, but I will. When I get my coat on my shoulders and leave the building, I can hear footsteps following me. And I know it isn't Thomas.

"Ms Langdon"


I stop myself and turn around to face her. She stops herself just a few steps away from me. She isn't smiling, nor happy to have followed me. I assume her nephew sent her; the one who killed the less.

"Listen. Whatever Father Hughes told you, he is-"

"It doesn't matter," I say, interrupting her. "He didn't tell me anything"

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