Chapter Twenty-Four.

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The last arrow hits the middle of my target and Ackley, seating on a bench behind me, applauds.

"Amazing shot Ma'am"

I smirk, proud of myself. "Thank you, Ackley"

"You're getting better days after days"

"I should hope so. I've been training for a long time now," I retort, a smile on my lips.

Ackley chuckles. "Is there any business we need to take care of today?" I ask.

"Nothing Ma'am. Everything we had, we took care of it this morning"

"Great. I will not stand another hour of signatures and contracts reading," I sigh.

"You are completely free today Ma'am," announces Ackley.

I am. And my driver just gave me a wonderful idea. "Ackley, can you prepare the Rolls Royce? I think I'm going to the city"

"Of course Ma'am. Which one?" Asks Ackley.

"The first Phantom"

"Right away Ma'am"


I park the car right outside the Small Heath office of Thomas. Before I get out of the car, I grab my small purse and leave the vehicle. As I cross the street, people stare at me. Or they may just stare at my red coat and white fur around my wrists and neckline. Before I can knock on the door, I see a man walking up to me. And when I turn around, I recognize him.

"Charlie," I say with a big smile on my lips.

He quickly takes his hat off and shakes my hand. "A pleasure to see you again Miss"

"How are you?" I ask politely.

"Very well! You here to see Tommy?" Asks Charlie. I nod. "I don't know if he's in"

"Oh. Do you know where I could find him then?"

"Don't ask me! But I bet Lizzy knows," replies Charlie.

"I'll ask her," I say, remembering that Lizzy is Thomas' secretary.

"Gonna have to leave. Some business to take care of," announces Charlie. "Very pleased to see you today"

I thank Charlie and he walks away. I knock on the door again, but no response. Except that there is people inside, I can hear female voices. And so, I knock again. Still nothing. Maybe they are busy. I knock a third time and this time, Polly shouts.

"Get the fuck in or fucking leave!"

Lovely. I open the door and close it behind me before taking my gloves off. I am about to walk toward the table when I hear Polly speaking again.

"How do you know that?" Asks Polly.

"Tommy talks in his sleep," mocks another female voice.

"Shut up Esmee," retorts Lizzie. I am about to walk in on them when Lizzie speaks again and her words freeze me on the spot. "And actually, I am sleeping with Tommy, ok? Now and then"

I thought Thomas... Well, I didn't think anything. Harry warned me. He told me this is the kind of thing Thomas would do. And I said it wouldn't bother me. But why does it now? I shouldn't be bothered that he sleeps with other women.

"Because he wants to, now and then. When the mood takes him," adds Lizzie. "Except we don't sleep. It's hard to sleep bent over a desk, isn't it? And anyway, he'd rather sleep with that fucking new rich girl he got under his arm"

Now, it's not jealousy anymore. It's anger.

I walk in on the ladies and all of them turn to look at me. Polly is the first to speak. "What are you doing here?" She asks.

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