ii: sun.

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the sun rots my eyes

and i try to blink it away
as you shout
as the distant hum
of a passing car's engine
gets closer
then fades
as it drives by
unknowingly a bystander
to a brewing chaos

my pupils are fixated
on the watery leather seat
as it melts away
making way for the chasm
that opens underneath me

as i fall,
between half-lidded eyes
i see outside the window

it's bright
because the sun is forever there
reflecting on the 
nightshade and wine metal
of the passersby

the glow almost distracts me
it's soon swallowed

by a whirlpool of guilt
of shame and of neglect

i am vying for a way out
i struggle and flail
but my eyes remain dull
and my limbs remain useless

and then there is silence
because the chasm has closed
and i am stuck inside
and the leather seat has solidified

and the sun bears down
turning the whites of my eyes
into liquid resin
and my irises 
to the burnt
crusts of toast

but there is no peace

there is no sound 
that comes from me
there is only the hum
of the car engines
as they rush past
and the sound
of disappointment
and the sound
of the home i have made

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