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Y/N (your name)
L/N (last name)
E/C (eye color)
H/C (hair color)

(Forgot to do that on the last part, my bad.)

I go to the door and open it, and see Rias standing there. "You ready to go Y/N?"

"Yes I am." I wave to Serafall and Sona. "If I don't make it back tonight I'll see the both of you tomorrow."

"Don't worry Y/N, the Hyoudous are very hospitable. They wouldn't mind you staying there one night." Rias saying that reassures me that everything will be fine. Though, I know I probably shouldn't drink too much, that way I don't make an ass of myself.

We start walking down the street and I break the silence. "This is quite a nice area. This is my first time here. Most of my work is in other parts of the country."

"Yes it is. It's why Sona and I are here. I'm sure you know the story so I won't bore you with the details. There are other places in Japan I wouldn't mind revisiting." I notice myself listening closely. Considering this is only our second conversation I figure it right to try to learn more while the two of us are alone.

"You must like to travel. If there was ever a chance I wouldn't mind showing you other places in the country. Japan is quite beautiful as I'm sure you know Miss Gremory." I notice a shade of red hit her cheeks. Did I say the wrong thing? I didn't have any ill intentions.

"Please Y/N, just call me Rias. I wouldn't mind that, especially for the others in my house. A lot of them have had hard lives before I took them in. Getting to see more of the world can show them just how big this world really is." I'm moved by her words.

"Quite selfless Rias. Sona has told me about that. She says that you're quite kind to those in your service. I'm sure sometimes it might be hard but from meeting Akeno and Issei I would say you're doing a fine job."

"Have you ever considered having a set of pieces of your own Y/N? I know you aren't a devil but as much as you've done for all of us I'm sure you would be allowed." I'm stumped by her question. It had never even crossed my mind to have pieces of my own.

"I'm more of a loner when it comes to my work." She raises an eyebrow at my statement. "Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it would be nice to have the company, but the things I do are easier to do solo. At this point a band of stray devils or fallen angels are nothing to me. Hell at this point I bet there are some houses that I could fight against on my own."

"You're quite confident. Issei told me you had offered to spar with him. He's reckless but very sweet. After he saved me from Riser I couldn't hold back my affection. Him and I have been together ever since and I couldn't be happier." I smile at her words. It almost reminds me of Serafall and I.

"That's quite sweet. I saw that fight as well as the rating game. I think you could've won the game. I bet it took a lot to give it up to ensure Issei's safety. You must really love him." Rias' smile turns neutral, not quite a frown but a straight face.

"I do," she trails off. "Enough about me though, I want to know about you. How did you originally meet my brother?"

"It isn't that interesting of a story. I was doing my best to get by after being dragged into this crazy world. I ended up running into one of his pieces in an area that I was taking out fallen angels in. They had been attacking a town near their camp, and so I made it my goal to take care of them." I start to think back to that day even more.

Flashback: 5 Years Ago

The leader of the camp cowers in the corner of his tent. "Please, whatever you must do, just let me go."

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