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Some time later

"Alright everyone, have a good summer and I'll see you all in a few months." All the students pack their things and leave and I get my things as well. Today was the last day of school before summer vacation and now that time is here. I already know myself, Rias, and the rest of her house are going to the Gremory domain, and Sona and her house will be going to the Sitri domain as well. I leave the classroom and lock the door for the last time for a few months.

I gotta say, living with Rias is great. We've been together a few weeks now but still haven't told anyone. It seems like almost any moment we can we are alone, though those haven't been common. Most of the time we wake up and fall asleep together but other than that it's very rare. I'm nervous to even take her on a date because of all of this. I push those thoughts away and enter the club room and notice I'm the last one there.

"Sorry I'm late, just had to get all my stuff together." I go to sit at the desk and Rias addresses everyone.

"Alright so here's the deal. For summer vacation we will all be visiting my family in the underworld. We're going to be there basically the whole time." I see Issei groan and throw his head back annoyed.

"Seriously Prez?" Him and Rias have been a little distant since they broke up and I understand why. It's taken almost everything I have not to show Rias any affection in front of everyone. She reminds me of when Serafall and I first got together, and it's really nice.

"Yes Issei, seriously. It isn't just going to be a vacation either," she replies.

"That's correct," I add. "You all will understand more when we get there. Just know that I'm plotting to get you guys training while we're all there. That's every one of you too. Albeit Asia won't be recieving any combat training you will still be harnessing your abilities as well. By the time training is done I expect all of you to be able to compete with me one on one, even you Gasper."

His eyes shoot up at me worried. "I don't think I can do that Y/N." I stand up and crouch down in front of him to look at him directly.

"Remember that promise you made to Rias and I? Back when we let you out?" He nods slowly. "Your training will help bring your confidence out, just like you did that day. It won't be easy, but you're an amazing kid Gasper. You'll be fine and everyone in here believes that." His expression lights up.

"You really think that Y/N?"

"Not just me," I respond. Everyone tells Gasper they believe in him, and he starts to tear up. I put my arms around him for comfort.

"You guys are all so nice to me," he cries.

"You deserve it buddy. You always have." I stand up and go to return to my seat, noting a smile from Rias. "As I've been around you all I've been able to point out weaknesses you all have. Those will be used against you. By the time it's over you may hate me, but I'm doing this for your own benefit."

"That being said," Rias says, "all contracts and pacts will be on hold until we return. Y/N has worked hard on this for all of you, and I think you all will excel. For now pack all of your things and prepare to go. We leave tomorrow morning."

Everyone gets up to leave but Issei comes up to talk to me. "So what's my weakness?"

I place my hands on the desk. "Do you want the truth? Because if you do you will not like it." He nods at me. Rias leaves so the two of us can talk. "Between you and me your goals are impeding you. You have a high goal, which is respectable, but you expect reward along the way. Anything you do right you feel like you should be compensated, and unfortunately for you that isn't how this world works."

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