Chapter 7 War is here...[Edited:March 11th,2021]

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A/N: Hey guys so here's the long-awaited chapter 7.So enjoy!

Song one: Herd O'Death

Song two: All the king's men by the rigs

Song three: One more night by from the ash



Oregon near the border of Washington state

Tiberius held mira on his back as he sped through the Forest. Suddenly Tiberius stopped running mira sleepily raised her head. She glanced around where Tiberius had stopped. He let her down,'' Food and water break''.he told her reaching into his messenger bag to grab the sandwich and bottle of water. He handed them to mira who smiled at Tiberius,'' Thanks''.She said with a small smile. Tiberius warmly smiled at her as she went to a nearby rock and sat down to eat and drink.

Tiberius took a moment to look around the area to check it was safe. Before turning back to mira who had devoured her sandwich and was nearly done with her water. He chuckled before saying,'' Better?''.Mira meekly glanced over to Tiberius nodding with bits of sandwich in her mouth. Before chewing and gulping down the rest of the water. Mira finished chewing before shaking off any crumbs before she paused her eyes show Tiberius that she saw something. Tiberius moved closer before placing his hand on her shoulder.''Ro is everything okay''.He asked a look of concern on his face. She snapped out of her trance-like state before turning and smiling,'' Yeah it seems everything is going according to plan''.She says in a cryptic tone. She smiled at her friend she liked the nickname ro...Raphael had given the name of mira even though her real name was Rosie ...she liked the nickname ro or even the nickname mir mir . But she learned to live with the name mira.

Tiberius faintly smiles before nodding. His smile drops as he sharply turns his head to the side sniffing the air. Mira didn't have the ask she knew what was there or rather who.

Three figures drop down from the trees further away. Before speeding over to where they were.

Raphael...the tall intimidating vampire leader of the newborn army walked up to the two of them. He tilted his head eyeing them both before he flashed her a sinister smile towards mira,'' Ah my...mira belle ''.His tongue clicks as he placed it between his teeth. She cringed at the way he said it. Raphael looked at her as if he was studying her,'' Did you see anything...I heard you say something...hmm''.He moved quickly behind her. As she sat on the rock she froze stood behind her but crouched before placing both hands on her shoulders to keep her sitting. He gently moved on side of her hair to the side moving it out of the way...he moved his face as if he was going to bite her. But he stopped before whispering in her ear,'' Hmm...well and don't lie to me know how unpredictable I can be''.He said with a sickly sweet tone. He had said it in an almost taunting manner. His eyes locked on her small figure he looked over the small blonde girl.

Mira glanced to Tiberius who was being watched by grace who had sparks coming out of her fingers she looked as if she was daring him to make a move to help. Mira then weakly said,'' I saw a vision...''.She began shrugging. She looked like she wanted to cry. Raphael grew interested he cocked a brow and asked,'' And? What did you see''.He said this with a bit of harshness in his voice. But said the last part almost in a cooing tone. Ro{Mira) continued,'' And said that everything seems to be going according to plan. I just saw again what I had seen before just after river ran away...about the battle in the field it was pretty much the same with only minor bits add nothing to be concerned about''.She said softly before glancing from the corner of her eyes to look at him.

Raphael paused before he started cackling finally releasing her shoulders. She felt relieved she knew they'd be bruised when she looked. Raphael moved from behind her jumping over the rock before casually walking away. His cackling turned to more of a chuckled as he sighed and placed his hands on his hips before turning back to mira.''Oh, mira what do I have to worry about you for...we both know you are an awful liar. I'd know if you were lying in two seconds. I was just checking...''.He said biting his lip. Before glancing her over one more time before looking to Grace,'' Down girl...head back to the army ahead of me I'll be behind you shortly'', He paused before glancing at her fondly,'' In more ways than one maybe ''.Mir tried to suppress her disgust. While grace playfully smiled winking at him. She flipped her hair before remarking as she left,'' With pleasure...master''.She said this in a seductive tone. Before she sped off with Raphael smirking as he quickly followed behind her. Atticus had quietly been observing the whole scene that had unfolded. Tiberius and Mira noticed he was still there watching them. An amused smile on his face. Tiberius moved to be in front of mira who peeked from behind him.''Try something Atticus I dare you''.Tiberius growled towards Atticus he positioned himself in front in a defensive position.

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