Chapter 4

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At the door was a meek and mouse-like maid.

She obviously was one of the newer ones, based on her freshly made outfit. The maid kept her head bowed at an angle, her curly brown hair ruffled slightly as she fidgeted. She seemed to be caught off guard that the door was opened immediately, stuttering as she performed a clumsy bow.

"Lady... Lady Doll, I have been assigned to take... take care of you," said the girl, "this servant is named I... Ina."

Maerie raised an eyebrow at Ina before glancing at Raijin. He still had his smile as he led the girl inside and closed the door behind her.

"Come here," said Maerie, propping her chin up as Ina drew closer.

Although Ina seemed hesitant, she made her way over and stood in front of Maerie. Maerie didn't say anything else, only closely observing her.

Ina was fairly short, her height no higher than five feet. Her skin was bronze-colored, while her hair was a soft chocolate color. It was fluffy and curly, giving off a beautiful shine. She was probably told to take a bath before she came because Maerie could see some parts of her hair was still damp with moisture.

"Mm, you," asked Maerie, "you're a commoner? Which family?"

Ina looked taken aback before answering, "Um, Winsley, Lady... Lady Doll."

Maerie raised an eyebrow at this.

Maerie knew a decent amount of information regarding most nobles, as she liked to keep useful information on her enemies. Therefore, she knew the Winsley family were Barons. However, she also knew they only had three sons. One had already graduated from the Academy years back and now has a government position. The other two are still attending the Academy, though in different grades.

But now they have a daughter? Moreover, this girl looks to be only thirteen or fourteen at most. They couldn't have hidden a child for this long. She doesn't even look like the family, that's why Maerie had assumed she was of commoner status.

Why is the daughter of a Baron working as a maid in the Academy?

Maerie's eyes settled on Ina once more.

"You, are you adopted?"

"Ex... Excuse me?"

"Quickly, I disliked slow people," Maerie told her in a chilly tone.

The girl was startled before she nodded her head.

"Um... yes, the Winsley family did..." Ina's words faltered.

"Did what?" asked Maerie sharply.

Ina's lips pursed from Maerie's harsh tone, bending her head lower.

"Baron Winsley... did... adopt me," she finished.

Maerie listened and thought carefully.

Had Ina been firm with her words, Maerie probably would have believed her. Seeing her struggle to even confirm she'd been adopted, Maerie's eyes widened as a nagging feeling appeared in the back of her mind.

Oh? It seemed she was given quite a nice present.

"I see," said Maerie in an indifferent tone, "well, I can't exactly say I'm happy with the maid they assigned."

Ina gave Maerie a dumbfounded look.

"Raijin," called Maerie, beckoning him over with just a glance, "see this girl out."

Raijin came swiftly and lightly grabbed the girl who began trembling. Before he could move her, she released herself from his grasp and knelt close to the ground.

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