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if you are wondering why this chapter is just a slaughter...its because i read a fanfic that made me hate the Angel faction from DxD.

Its called "Multiverse's Shinigami" written by Argen_Saiyan_UI who is an amazing author 

go check it out, its amazing, but be warned there are 2 books and the "book of DxD" is the second one, you must read the first to know what is going on in the second, otherwise you will be VERY confused.


its funny y'know...Angels with grey Aura....

???: no...more...

Alex: nope.

sorry but Alex have no mercy for manipulative bastards....heh, said the pot to the kettle.

He raised his foot and then brought it back down full force into a Archangel...i think this one was Uriel. when the foot connected with the archangel back a sickening crunch was heard and Uriel screamed in pain.

Alex knowing that he successfully turned a part of Uriel Spine into dust walked off to his next target. It was none other then the False God himself! Michael! can we get a applause for this man?? NO???...good, he doesnt deserve it anyways.

he stopped right in front of the rapidly bleeding out Archangel (scumbag) and started to think, "whats the most painful death i can give him?" after a minute he came up with an idea.

A golden ripple appeared in front of Alex, and from it came a Cross...Alex then completely healed Michael, only to use Enkidu to tie up and pierce his flesh into the cross, successfully crucifying the Archangel, and making him let out a scream of pain.

He was not done however, After all Jesus was also stabbed with a spear in between his ribs when he was crucified right?....well okay, he knew they did that to check if he was still alive, but still...they did he will do it also.

taking out a nameless Noble Phantasm from his GoB he stab Michael and then then proceeded to walk into "the throne room", or "the office of god". What he saw there was...disappointing...a desk, and a computer on it..........

Alex: i expected more from the place God works in...

quickly sitting in front of the desk, he turned on the computer and started messing with the God system. If you are wondering how he got access to it...simple...he hacked his way in.

wanting to screw the Angel faction completely he decided to add a couple of rules for them to fallow.

1. Angel's must loyalty serve Devil's and fallen angel's, if they dont swear their loyalty to them in 1 month from now on, they will start to suffer unimaginable pain.

2.Angel's must service their "masters" sexually every night

3. Angel's must not wear any clothes.

he of course removed the rules that makes an Angel become a fallen angel, so even if they do all the naughty stuff they will not fall and become fallen angels.

but you may be wondering...why? why was Alex doing all this? why has he decided to inflict such a cruel fate to those poor white winged fucks?

well, it all started an hour ago.


Alex was just casually drinking his bear while looking trough random memes on his scroll, when suddenly his Wish Note started to vibrate and glow a bright red! intruiged by this Alex opened the notebook and soon words started to appear on it.

"Alex, it is me your boss. I am using your wish note to speak with you."

Alex: its an honor boss. how can i be of service?

"i want you to go, to a random DxD world and start a genocide on the Angel faction. Leave only a couple survivors and make sure that the rest of their lives if complete misery"


Alex: why?

" *sniff* ....poor (y/n) Souske, didnt deserve to be traumatized like this...."

Alex: ????


Alex: okay, i guess? better not let my boss wait.

---end of flashback---

to be honest, committing a mass genocide was oddly relaxing...maybe he should do this more often.

a faint sobbing could be heard in the distance...a girl....OH SHIT Gabriel!

RULE #4 Gabriel will not fallow the 3 rules above, but will need to server Alex, her new lord and God.


Alex: i would have said that i would burn in hell for this....but im already working for satan, and im a demon myself. soooooooooooo.....meh!

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