The Omega's Fears

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Bakugou's P.O.V

I realized that something was off I knew that someone was here before but now I smell someone else here. I looked around before I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head and ended up locking eyes with someone. The moment we locked eye I knew exactly who it was. How the hell could I forget teal and gray eyes!?

Though I think that fucker new who I was to. Once I could actually see him, I thought that my fucking mind was playing with me. But that scent, there was no question about it. "Katsuki?" That voice. It's cold and empty, but it's not forgettable.

"You're supposed to be fucking dead..."


Todoroki's P.O.V

Those red eyes, the attitude, and the ash blonde hair, there's no question. It's surprising that he still remembers me, it's been more then ten years. "How the hell are you still alive?" He sounds broken. Before I could answer I felt a couple of raindrops hitting my skin. Katsuki obviously felt it to because he looked up.

The rain only got worse. I started to walk over the cave and I could tell that Katsuki was following. Before I could even step foot into it I could tell that my clothes were going to be drenched. When both of us walked in the first thing I did was take off my shirt. I would have to find a way to hang it up but that's a problem for later. "Icy-hot here." I looked up and saw his face for a second before what I'm guessing to be his tank top landed on my head.

"I'm not your personal dryer Katsuki." I said quietly, as took his tank top off of my head. He only rolled his eyes. It's good to know that he hasn't really changed. I started to look around for something that could easily hold a shirt and Katsuki somewhat helped me.

Once Katsuki stepped closer into the inside, there was this quiet yet soft whimper and the omega's sent got stronger. He obviously heard the whimper and was able to tell that the scent got stronger because he just stopped. "Okay what the hell!" I could tell that the beta started to get mad. He was always like this.


Denki's P.O.V

They're getting closer. Their scents, I don't want to be near any of them right now. One of them is getting closer to me. My scent started to get stronger. "I-I don't want to be used again..." I murmured. I never met to say that out loud.

Their scent stopped where was, though it was strong. That's when I smelt a new scent, I got even more scared. What if one of them found me and the other one's coming to join then? What if they work for my father? I guess my scent got to strong because that's all I could smell. However I started to smell an addition to my scent. It was a faded smell of fire mixed with flowers, it was a nice scent. But because of that I knew that ment that the Alpha and the Beta was still here.

With my scent being so strong it didn't help with figuring out if they both were getting closer or not.


Third P.O.V

Todoroki was lucky enough to calm his explosive friend down. However with the omega's scent being so strong, it was gonna be hard for the Alpha to calm the small male down. Bakugou on the other hand was trying not to kill Todoroki. Though he started to worry about what the other blonde said.

Bakugou started to smell a familiar scent, it was a smell of a bonfire and conveniently air during a storm. This led the Beta to subconsciously let off his own comforting scent, which contained a smell of lavender and honey. However the omega never calmed down and the two never knew why. When time passed and the omega was finally calm but he passed out. The two other males were on the other side of the cave with a small fire going. They stopped trying to calm the omega after about an hour.

The Alpha looked over at the omega and noticed that he was shaking a lot, the Beta however was near the entrance. Todoroki went over to the smaller male and picked him up, to which the blonde quickly started to cuddle into the multi-colored hair male. As he started to walk back over to the fire the blonde started to wake up.


Denki's P.O.V

I felt some kind of warmth, and I felt like I was against someone. When I started to open my eyes I got a small scent of a fire, it was a familiar scent and I also smelled like I was against an Alpha. I started to freak out, I pushed them away and fell on the ground. I crawled back into a wall. When I looked up I saw a red and white haired male with teal and gray eyes looking at me. He looked at me worried, but how could I even believe that he was worried.

I didn't even notice that I was near a fire until a thing of ash hit my hand. When I pulled my hand towards me and looked at it. That was until that Alpha grabbed my hand and pulled it towards him. I was scared. I looked away from him. His scent was somewhat calming but I knew that's just what Alpha's and Beta's did to force an omega to be theirs. "W-what do you you want from me?" I asked him not wanting to even look at him.

I felt the Alpha stare at me. I always felt so weak under an Alpha or a Beta's stare, there was not expectation now. There soon was a sent walked towards me, and the Alpha. I pulled my hand away which I don't think bothered the Alpha but it definitely made the Beta upset. He started yelling and everything. I just started to quietly whimper.

The yelling stopped after about twenty minutes but I could still tell that the Beta was upset will me. When I looked up the rain was still going and that the Alpha and Beta were asleep. I went over to a corner away from them, curled up into a ball, then fell asleep

A/N: HEY! It's been a really I posted on this story. I kinda forgot about it. But I did remember so here's chapter to! Word count: 1075 words

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