The Storms Dieing Down And Soon Stops

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The human heater's P.O.V

I woke up with a certain blonde trying to snuggle into my neck. Katsuki was always like this when we were kids. However when I started to look around I saw the omega curled up in a corner, away from the fire. Seeing that Katsuki's grip wasn't tight I was able to get out of it. The rain was still coming down and there was and occasionally a rumble of thunder with a flash of lightning afterwards. I walked over to the omega and knelt down next to him, I heard teeth clattering and he was cold that was a definite. I can only do so much. Katsuki's quirk can keep himself warm and so can mine, but I don't know what his is.

I started to heat up my hand, and placed it on the blonde's arm. He was cold, I'm surprised he didn't get frostbite over night. I looked over at saw that there was still a couple of hot ashes. I'll be able to light them up again.

~Time skip to when both Bakugou and Denki had woken up~


Third P.O.V

It has probably been over an hour since the other two males woke up. The smallest out of all of them was in the corner that was closest to the fire. Whenever one of them would get a little to close he'd back away until his back hit the wall. It was always like this when the two would approach him. How after about five days of trying to get the omega to warn up to them, it finally started to show. The omega would sit by the fire with them, the only thing the two had to do was stay on the opposite side of the fire.

The two respected what the omega wanted, mostly because he was scared and they didn't want to scare him by them getting to close to him. However soon the omega allowed them to touch him. Now keep in mind that sometimes if they touch his shoulder without him even seeing them, then he'd freeze up. However with there being one Beta and one Alpha, it was easy to calm the omega down.

Although as the days went on and the storm started to lighten up a bit, the two males could tell that something was off with the omega. However they never questioned it, they only kept a close eye on him. Now what they didn't know was that the omega was scared to go home. He was scared to leave the beta and alpha that he grew so attached to.

Though after another day the storm finally stops. The small blonde male was a little disappointed by the fact that he would have to leave the other two. However a certain angry blonde was disappointed because he would have to leave his friend that he practically just found again. Although before the two taller males left they were pulled into a hug by the smallest of the trio.

Denki didn't want to go bad to that place that he called a home. He wanted to stay with either the Alpha or the Beta. Unfortunately for the omega, the two males didn't understand why he was acting like this. The two did hug the omega back. However while the Alpha and Beta were hugging the omega, the two accidentally left both of their scents on the omega, practically marking him.

When the three went their own ways, they potentially knew that they'd never see each other ever again.

A/N: Hey guys....sorry it's been so long but hey I'm back! Anyway the word count is 594.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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