Prologue: Meeting Him

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Who would want to be friend's with a girl who had a serious quirk. Obviously not the people at your elementary school. At such a young age people avoided you.

You were just like the other kids before your quirk came. You played with your friends and had a great time. Like other kids, your quirk manifested when you were 5 years old.

Unlike the other kids however, your quirk seemed to be more... deadly. It had something to do with fire, a big factor for people to fear you already. Your quirk can be controlled by your mind.

Anything you think about lighting up, your quirk would handle it. Thankfully it didn't work on people. That didn't stop your peers from fearing you though.

"Stay away from that child"
"She can turn on you any second"
"That girl is trouble"

Words were being thrown at you from left and right. Words such as "freak" and "monster". It got so bad that you even got bullied at school. Not even the teachers would come help you.

An outcast was basically what you were. Even horrible rumors about you circled in the school. Of course, who started the rumors were your bullies.

"Hey freak!" One of them said.

You ignored them and continued walking to class but of course that didn't make them go away. As you tried to walk away, another one of your bullies grabbed you by your hair and pulled you down to the ground.

You couldn't take it anymore. As you fell to the ground, you brought one of the bullies with you. When both of you were on the ground, you repeatedly punched her face. It didn't matter if the punches didn't hurt to you, you just wanted to get your anger out.

"Why... why are you so mean to me!" You yelled as you kicked her stomach.

The bully wailed in pain, oddly enough it made you satisfied. The more punches and kicks you threw, the more your bloodlust came.

"Y/n!! stop this instant!" Your teacher said grabbing your arm and pulling you away from the kid.

You stopped what you were doing and looked at your teacher. Your eyes were filled with tears as you saw how terrified she looked.

"Come on... I'm calling your par-" the teacher was cut off by you jerking your arm away and running. You knew exactly where to go. In the distance you could hear the faint yells of your teacher calling out.

Everyday after school, when you weren't being picked on, you would go to a nearby lake. It was hidden by trees all around so you couldn't see it. It seems like only you know about it.

When arriving to the lake, you walked towards the water and looked at your reflection. You haven't even noticed that tears were showing. You sat down with a huff and wiped them away.

After sitting down, trying to calm yourself, you were fine again. All around you were leaves from the trees around you. You decided to grab one and test your quirk on it.

"Here goes nothing" you said lighting it up with your quirk.

The color of red was seeping through it. As the fire died down, the leaf was left with nothing but black.

"Maybe I do have a monster quirk" you thought to yourself.

While feeling down about your quirk again, you felt drops of water touching you. You looked up and saw the sunny day has immediately turned into a rainy one.

In a matter of seconds, rain was pouring down. You didn't care anymore, you just sat down ignoring it. You've been ignoring it for so long that you didn't notice the rain stopping.

When you looked around however, you saw the rain still pouring. You looked up to see who or what was covering you and saw crimson feathers.

"Yo!" A kid said while smiling. "You know about this place too?"

You sighed and nodded. You then looked away from the kid and looked at your reflection in the water.

"Oh? Not a talker huh?" The kid smiled. "I guess I'll start with my introduction"

You groaned and glared at the annoying kid. "Listen if you're here to pick on me, just do it"

The kid's eyes widened in a bit of shock at your hard tone. His wing also twitch but he never failed to cover you from the rain.

"I see you're going through something tough." He then smiled. "I don't want to pick on you, plus with that quirk of yours, you might be able to kill me"

You looked at the leave you burnt and blushed a little at his bluntness.

"Oh sorry if I made you uncomfortable" the kid said. "I'm Keigo Takami, you are?"

You moved a bit and looked at the lake. "L/n... L/n F/n."

Keigo smiled and sat right next to you. "Well since we both are out here... how bout we become friends?"

This was a first. He knew about your quirk and wasn't scared of it like the others. Yes he made a joke but you didn't care. He treated you like any other human being. You were struck with his kindness.

"Ok" you smiled.

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