14) Linked Trouble

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When Hawks saw the news for the first time in a week, he didn't know that a recent crime just happened. What's worse is that someone he knows got abducted.

"Mimi?..." Hawks said staring at the t.v screen. "No way. I lost y/n now her."

Suddenly, Hawks office door busted open to reveal someone who Mimi knows. Hawks didn't really know the dude personally but he's spoke to him before.

"It's Yatsukara! She's been taken by the LOV" The man said burying his head into his hands. "They got your girl too."

"What." Hawks said immediately standing up from his chair.

With another bang of his door, someone else walked in as well. "It's true." Miruko said with a frown. "Tojo here isn't lying. The fire explains it all Hawks."

"She didn't do that! She would never" Hawks frowned.

"But she did it to your shared house Hawks." Miruko cut in. "I love her to death but there's no doubt that isnt her. Even the people are making the connections back when you-"

"I know what I did okay!" Hawks yelled. "So what are we gonna do about this mess?" Hawks sighed sitting back in his seat. Practically sinking in it.

"We have to track them down" Tojo demanded. "You don't want Yatsukara to be gone too right?" Tojo then looked at Hawks with the most sad eyes. "I love that girl, I can't loose her."

Hawks stayed quiet. He didn't know what to say. He didn't want to believe that you actually went with the LOV. He knew you were better than that.

"What do we do then." Hawks said lowering his head in shame. "Because I got nothing left in this world."

Miruko clicked her tongue and grabbed Hawks by the collar of his shirt. She made him face her with the most angry eyes she had.

"You love Y/n, right? You don't want to loose her... right!" Miruko yelled. "Then let's make a fucking change and get her back because without her... I'm nothing as well!" After Miruko was done talking to Hawks, she threw him against his chair and stormed out of the room.

"Y/n..." Hawks whispered.

Villain's Lair:

You couldn't go back now. Everything you've done was set in stone. No way you could return back to your hero status as a murderer. Things don't work out like that.

"Y/n..." Dabi said grabbing your chin, making you face him. "I'm proud of you."

You felt your heart slowly pound faster. Your palms became sweaty and you couldn't speak a word. The way Dabi grabbed you was enough to make you fall for him. Wait... this isn't right.

"Dabi..." you whispered melting into the harsh roughness of his fingertips. "I-"

"Sorry to interrupt" Toga started as she walked towards you two. "But we have a problem."

"A problem?" You said pushing Dabi slightly away to which he just scoffed. He was annoyed that you guys were interrupted.

"Yeah, we got the heroes up our asses after that stunt we pulled" Toga said getting out her knife. "Not to mention that they are making connections about you and Mimi missing. Not to mention the fires."

"I knew this was gonna happen." Dabi sighed. "Ms.fire-some was getting out of control again."

"Huh? Me?" You said glaring at Dabi.

Dabi slightly smiled and looked at your angry face. "Your face is cute like that." He then walked away leaving you and Toga surprised.


A little after that, Shigaraki had all the villains meet up to talk about the heroes.

"So you're saying they could come here any second?" You asked Shigaraki.

He nodded. "We have to avoid this by causing other trouble. Just away from this building. Once they find out that we are here, we are screwed."

"What trouble are we gonna do now?" Twice asked leaning his head against a nearby wall.

Shigaraki thought about it for a second, he then looked at you. "Y/n hasn't made her debut yet as a villain... hasn't she? Imagine the media after finding out"

Dabi's lips curved upwards. "Maybe we should use her as bait to get Hawks to us. Don't we want to kill him off?" Dabi said grabbing your chin, making you face him.

"Kill him off...?" You trailed as you stared into Dabi's eyes.

"You want him dead after what he did to you... right?" Dabi said letting your chin go.

You were hesitant on what you should say. Even the villains noticed your hands shaking and how your eyes widen. It wasn't until Dabi grabbed your attention.

"Y/n~" Dabi sung. "Didn't Hawks cheat on you?" He then went in your point of view. "If I got cheated on, I would love to kill the person who was apart of it... wouldn't you?"

"What..." you trailed off.

"Look at how much pain he caused you Y/n. Even your bestfriend wasn't there for you. Do you know how long Hawks and that girl were together. Don't you want your revenge?" Dabi said. He was trying to persuade you.

"Miruko? She was always there for me though." You answered looking at Dabi.

"Yes, up until the point where she ignored your call out for help. Have you noticed that you two haven't talked ever since the party? Y/n?" Dabi said rubbing your cheek.

"It's cause I ran away though-"

"She abandoned you and lost faith in you." Dabi cut in. "Tell me this Y/n. Did you want to have a family with your lover? Be a sweet women of business but also someone who cares for others?"

"Why ask me this?" You asked with tears welling up into your eyes.

"You wanted to have the perfect family. Just you, Hawks, and his kids." Dabi wiped the tears, daring to fall down and looked right into your eyes. "And he ruined that... but it's okay..." Dabi then leaned into your ear. "Because you have us... you have me."

"I have you...?"You whispered. "

"Yes... let me adore you for awhile." Dabi said backing up from you.

After a second of silence, you made up your mind.

"So what's the plan?" You asked looking at Shigaraki.

Shigaraki smiled and started talking. "We use you as bait to get Miruko and Hawks over here so we can finish them off. Do you still have that dress?"

You nodded. "It's a little dirty and smells like smoke"

"Perfect. This will create a scene that you've been kidnapped and Hawks will think he's found you. Once Miruko and Hawks get a hold of you, me and the villains will come out and attack." Shigaraki then looked at you after he was done speaking. "I have a good feeling about this."


Short little note: sorry if this seemed rushed and the grammar is bad, please let me know if it is. Another thing is that I said this book will have 16 chapters but I may add a few more depending on how busy I am, anyways as always, see you again :)

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