Chapter 1

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Adriella POV
     I look around my room once more trying to remember every little detail. I knew u would have to leave home sooner or later but I didn't expect to leave so soon. I thought I at least had one more year here but I turns my tu I didn't. I wasn't even supposed to her in to this school my friend Jessie wanted to but she didn't want to sign up alone so I signed up with her and in a crazy turn of events I ended up getting accepted into  Hollywood Film Academy. I mean this is insane but she insisted that u go to the school so here I am packing the rest of my things and getting ready for my flight that is tomorrow morning. I hear a knock on my door getting me out of my trance that I was in as I see my mothers head pop into my room.
     "Mija your sister and I were wondering if you would like to go to the beach as a final goodbye to Florida." I look up at here and think about it for a minute and deciding that it's a great  idea.
     "Yes, that sounds like a great idea mom let me just go get ready real quick okay." She nods her head and exits my room closing the door behind me. I hope out of bed and grab one of my unpacked bathing suits. It's not the best but it's better then nothing. I put it on and look at the mirror. I looks good on my the white bikini against my tan skin. I decid to pull my long hair back into a pony tail and through in a pair of shorts and walked down stairs.
"Honey we are in the car when you are ready." My mother calls out from the garage. I grab my sun tanning lotion and a bottle of water and throw it into my back before getting in the front seat next to my mom. The drive wasn't that long since it was already kinda late so there was not a lot of traffic. We find a spot easily and set up camp there. I lay down in my down and out the lotion on and I just let the sun kiss my body. 'I am going to miss this when i leave. I mean I know they have beaches over there but I won't feel the same.' After a while I decided to flip to get an even color.
Once done with our day we stopped at a local mom and pop dinner to grab a bite before heading out. Once home I go up to my room and take a shower and put in a pair of comfy shorts and an oversized tee double checking I have everything I need. After what felt like an hour I decid to got to bed so I get my alarm and lay down and drift into sleep.
I roll over and shut of my alarm and hopped out of bed and trudged into my bathroom getting ready. I turn in my shower so it wan steam up while I wait for that I throw my hair up in a messy bun and brushed my teeth once they where clean I hopped into the shower and instantly felt the water relax my muscles. Once dine with all of that I put on a pair of gray sweats and a white spaghetti strap crop top with a pair of white converse. I do one more mental check before picking up my bags and bringing them down stairs. I go to the counter and sit down as k wait so the breakfast that my mother is cooking to be served. But I can't help and feel so thing is wrong in the air like it's tense. So I decided to speak up.
     "You both know that I am not dying or anything I am just going away for school."
"We know, we know but we are just going to miss you so much." My mother says while sliding a plate of food infront of me. "Now eat up it is going to be a long flight." I start eating my food and I turn to look at my sister who was looking away from me.
     "Rose," I called out to her but she didn't hear me. "Rose, don't be sad okay I will be back for breaks and things like that." She finally turns to me and I see the fears in her eyes.
     "I just don't want you to go, I want to you stay." She says while getting out of her chair and she walks and wraps her arms around me. "Promise you won't forget us and that you will come back."
     "Promise" I say while stroking her hair and pull her into a tighter hug.
     "Okay you two let me get some of that love." My mother says from next to us. We both look at each other and giggle before we wrap our arms around our mom. "Okay, okay but Adriella we need to leave now or you won't make it. I already put your stuff in the car." I nodded my head and grab the small carry on backpack and started heading towards the car.
     After we got to the airport I looked at my mother and gave her a big hug and held back the tears the threatened to spill. Then I kissed her cheek and and grabbed my bags and checked them in. Once going through security and all of that I end up infront of my vate with thirty minutes to spare so I look around for somewhere I could get coffee from and maybe something light that I can munch on while I am in the plane. I see a Starbucks close to my gate so I go over there and grab my order and made my way into the plane since they called my number. I sit down put in some ear buds and let the music I have cox me to sleep.
After a bumpy landing I finally got of the plane at LAX and got an inner expecting it to be a long wait. Once I put my phone in the pocket I walk to the luggage carousel and grab my suitcases. That's when I heard and ding so I checked my phone and it said that my Uber was here. I go outside and instantly find the car and ask who it's for just to be sure.
"Um, this Uber is for Adriella Rodriguez."
"Yup that's me." I said while putting my stuff into her trunk and getting into the back seat.
"So, Hollywood Film Academy huh, that's a pretty hard school to get into, what are you going for." She says while she is driving away from the airport.
"I got in for acting." She nodded her head at my answer and we stayed in silence the rest of the ride there.
"Okay sweetie here we are and don't forget to leave a review. Now have a nice one and be safe." I give her and quick okay and step into the front office where I see a younger lady maybe around mid twenties typing on a keyboard.
"H-hello my name is Adriella Rodriquez, I am here to get my schedule and dorm room." She looks yo startled and grabbed her chest.
"Well hello sugar I didn't see you there you gave me a fright. So you need you schedule and dorm is the correct." She says to me while typing and I say yes and gave her my name and she continues to type away and rolls to the other side of her desk and grabs the paper that where just printed and went under the counter and Cosme back up with a key. "Okay here your schedule sugar," she says handing me a price of paper "and this is your room key. You will be sharing a room with a young lady named Lexi Zimmerman." I say a quick thank you and look at the key so I can get my dorm number.
"Okay room number 623." I say quietly to myself as I head towards the elevator and hit the number 6. Once in the sixth floor it was a price of cake finding my room. I stand out side taking a quick breathe before putting my key in and unlocking it. As the door opens I hear someone say 'hey' and then I walked in. I guess there is no turning back now.

A/N first off I would like to say thank you for reading the first chapter of behind the scene which had 1444 words. Yay! Also don't forget to comment and vote. Have a nice in y'all.

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