New School

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Please Vote to put a smile on my face.😊

Alisha's  pov

"If I wait for you another minute Alisha, I'm going to come in there and beat you mercilessly. Why are you always sluggish in everything?"

Aunty Ramatulai yelled for the third time.

Today being Monday, she was the one to take me to the new school to get me registered, but she simply couldn't just exercise a little bit of patience  and understand that I had to first get dressed properly before I come out of my room. It was going to be my first day in school and I hadn't got the school uniform, so I needed to, at least, wear clean and neatly ironed dress to look presentable. After all she was the one who wasted my time, ordering me to do every single thing in the house.

Since I came to the city, I noticed that she barely did anything in this house, apart from eating, fiddling with phone ,gossiping about virtually everything and anything, sleeping and watching TV. While her Boyfriend kept disturbing me to run errands for him or do house chores. But come to think of it, who usually did the chores when I wasn't here?

City life wasn't a bit of how I had imagined it. I thought with aunty Ramatulai, life would be a bed of roses and full of enjoyment, that was why I was so eager to come here, but so far, it had been the complete opposite.

Aunty Ramatulai wa a bit manageable but uncle Grey was unbearable. Whenever he was around, he called me regularly to send me on irrelevant errands or tell me to do things for him that he could just easily do, like calling me from my room to get the TV remote from the table  in front of him or helping him scratch his bare back, because according to him, that makes him feel good and  fall asleep. Sometimes,  I wondered if he did It deliberately just to frustrate me. well , if that was his motive he was succeeding.

"Sorry aunty, I'm coming." I hollered from my room so aunty Ramatulai could hear me. I was putting on the socks that she bought for me yesterday  to wear for the first day of my resumption into the new school.

This whole resumption thing was all too sudden. I hadn't even prepared myself adequately for school. Everything I was going to need for school was my old stuffs from the village, except the socks.

Once done dressing up in a white long sleeve shirt tucked in a black below-the-knee skirt and my white socks and well polished black shoe, I took the empty school bag from my bed and wore
It on my back . I made a mental note to ask aunty Ramatulai to get me exercise books to take note during lessons. I ran my hands through my hair and I noticed the all-black plait I had made three weeks ago when i was in the village was already rough. I also made a mental note to collect money from aunty Ramatulai for my hair.

I walked out of the room, shut the door behind me made my way to the living room,where aunty Ramatulai was. She was sitting down the couch, watching a Nollywood movie.

"It looked like you weren't going to come out from the room. You should have slept in there." Aunty Ramatulai said as she turned off the TV and made her way outside.  As I saw her leave, i ran towards the lights switch and flicked it off and then came out and locked the door. After which, i ran to meet aunty Ramatulai in her car ,opened the car door and clambered in.

"Have you locked the gate?" She asked, giving me this look that said 'what are you doing in my car when you haven't locked the gate?'

"Yes I have."

I'm warning you now; always lock the gate before leaving the house, especially when nobody is inside." She dragged her right ear, warning as she said the last statement.

"Okay aunty." I mumbled, looking outside the window and rolling my eyes. To think aunty Ramatulai the woman I used to admire!

As aunty Ramatulai drove me silently to school, I looked outside the window at the street of Freetown. It was so different from the village. Unlike the village where one saw just few people passing by the street, the city had a rather large population size and majority of them looked so busy and angry. I wondered why they had that unsmiling face though. In the village one barely saw many children going to school in the morning; they rather went to the farm or just stay at home. But here in the city, I couldn't count the number of children I had seen dressed in their school uniform going to school.

The moment aunty Ramatulai told me we had gotten to the school, my heart skipped a beat. I didn't want us to ever reach the school.
Perhaps it was my social anxiety or the fear of being bullied or maybe just fear of teachers and their long canes. I really didn't know but I was usually very uneasy.

Aunty Ramatulai pulled her car in front of the school. For me this was the biggest school I had ever seen in my life and in fact made me twice as nervous as i was. Boldly inscribed in front of the school gate was  WELCOME TO DELE PEDDLE INTERNATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL (DPIHS).
We got down from the car and walked into the school. I suddenly felt need to poop, but I knew this was as a result of my nervousness.

"D mami morni."  Said the security man to aunty Ramatulai.
"Hw d morni o bra spider,"  said aunty Ramatulai to the security man, that the weirdest name I've heard this city is full of surprises.

"Ma, have you come to see the
Twins?" He said smiling.

Oh I forgot my aunty gave birth to twins of my age. Anniel and Annia , I even forget to ask my aunty  for them, they will be so surprised to see me, if they will still recognize me because the last time I saw them was on there 13th birthday when they visited the village.

Aunty Ramatulai returned the smile. "No I came  to register  my niece into the school. "

"Oh that's nice. You..." He turned to face me and instantly, I became uncomfortable, maybe because aunty Ramatulai was there." What's your name?"

"Alisha Chealsea  Kamara." I answered, my voice sounding a bit faint and soft.

"Chealsea. " He mimicked the way I said it and I immediately took offence. I wasn't cranky but I just didn't like it when people do things to mock me or make fun of me. It hit my nerves. "My team's name I already like you be a good girl o. Face your books.  Don't mind all the boys in this school o. If they tell you that you're beautiful, they're deceiving you."

Could we just go to the principal's office an get on with the registration already? I wanted to scream at aunty Ramatulai but tried my best to mortify myself and listen to the obnoxious because he had offended me already.

Hey loves ☺❤
Hope you'all are safe ?
😄I know I always update late, free me please.
Well here is one, now the real drama is about to begin🥳
I ended this chapter abruptly right?
That because I want you guysto start thinking about the twins are they as nice as Alisha thought or a fake as there mommy?
And why is aunty Ramatulai not leaving with her supposed husband ?
Caught in the web 😆

Till next update.

Love you'll so much 😘❤
Please share,comment  and vote like I said before put a smile on my face.

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