1- Widening the circle

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Akaashi's POV:

"Morning Kotaro" I yawned as I opened my eyes to the beautiful man in front of me, his hair was an absolute mess and he hugged me tighter to his chest

"mmmmph" He grumbled, Bokuto had never been much of a morning person, but then again neither was I

"Come on we've got practice with Kuroo and Kenma this morning remember?" I shook him lightly and he groaned again

"No it's to early" He wined and stuck his face into the crook of my neck

"Kotaro it's already 10!" I chuckled and sat up leaving him on the bed

"Nooooo!" He acted like such a child sometimes "Akaashiiiiiiii!" He sat up and grabbed my waist pulling me towards him "Lets just sleep!" I put my hands on his chest and stared at him for a moment "Akaashi! I'm sleepy!" I sighed

"Fine, you stay here I'm going to go practice with Kuroo and Kenma on my own then" I sighed and slipped out of his grasp onto the floor and padded over to the dresser and grabbed out some clothes ready for my shower. Just as I was about to run into the little tiled room positioned just to the left of the bedroom I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and a head of messy head of black and white hair came into my vision from my shoulder

"Akaashi why are you so mean to me?" Bokuto's voice was laced with exhaustion and I just chuckled lightly

"Come on Kotaro lets have a shower" I suggested pulling out clothes for him as well "It'll help wake you up"

"Ok" he mumbled and walked into the bathroom still attached to my waist

"Bokuto if you don't let go we will be showering in our clothes" I yawned again and pried his hands apart slipping out of his grip and smiling as he slumped against the sink rubbing his eyes "Come on sleepy head" I chuckled and pulled him off of the counter

"Fine" he mumbled and pulled his shirt over his head. I took off my own shirt (that was actually his but who cares) and tossed it in the corner where the rest of our clothes ended up and we stepped into the shower turning on the water taking in the warmth

"Come on Kotaro" I smiled "Let me wash your hair" Bokuto turned around let me run my fingers through his hair, I lightly rubbed the shampoo in and massaged his scalp, I felt him leaning into my touch and chuckled lightly "Enjoying yourself?"

"mmmm" He hummed and I grabbed the shower head as I tilted his head back a bit to avoid getting soap in his eyes. I carefully ran my fingers through his silky hair rinsing all of the shampoo out, I washed my own hair and we stood in the shower for a while just enjoying the silence and the warmth of the water

Bokuto's POV:

It was too early to be up but Akaashi insisted on waking me up and getting me into the shower so how could I resist. I stared at my setter for a moment before wrapping my arms around his waist pulling him closer and pressing my lips against his

"Mine" I mumbled when he pulled away and I rested my head on his shoulder feeling the warm water hit my back

"Ok Kotaro" Akaashi chuckled lightly "Time to get out and get ready to leave" I sighed as he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower pulling me with him, we dried off and got ready to leave

"I'm hungry" I mumbled as we stepped out of the bathroom

"I'll make us some breakfast" Akaashi walked out to the kitchen, I followed him and sat down at the table while Akaashi started cooking

~After Akaashi finished cooking~

"Hey Kotaro" Akaashi was picking at the eggs on his plate

"Yeah? what's up" I put some of the food in my mouth and ate while Akaashi thought for a moment

"I kind of want to open up our relationship" I almost choked on my food when he said that

"S-sorry what?" I stared at him a bit confused

"I said I want to open up our relationship" He starts to rub the back of his neck nervously

"Why?" I tilted my head a bit confused

"I-I think I like Kuroo and Kenma as well as you" Akaashi blushed and hid his face in his hands, I sighed relieved that I wasn't the only one who felt that way

"Me too" I yawned before sipping the coffee that Akaashi had made for me


"Yeah" I stood up picking up my dishes and smiled over my shoulder "Come on we're gonna be late if we don't hurry up"

~Later at the meet up spot cause I'm really lazy~

"Hey Bokuto, Akaashi" Kuroo waved and dragged Kenma close behind him

"Hey Kuroo" I yawned as we walked up to the nets

"Kuroo put me down" Kenma sighed and put his PsP away

"Right sorry Ken" Kuroo laughed and let go of Kenma

3rd person POV:

The four boys played late into the afternoon, practicing and simply enjoying each others company

"Hey guys it's almost five" Akaashi called to the other boys who stopped playing for a minute

"So?" Bokuto and Kuroo had forgotten about the dinner reservations they had made

"We've got a dinner reservation idiots" Kenma sighed and turned around trudging off of the court grabbing his bag and walking to the bathrooms with Akaashi

"You meat heads coming?" Akaashi and Kenma chuckled as their boyfriends hurried to grab their bags and catch up. The four boys got changed and all hopped into Kuroo's car and drove to the restaurant where they were seated and given menus

"So Akaashi should we tell them?" Bokuto asked the setter who blushed a bit as the Nekoma boys turned to the two owls staring at them

"Tell us what Akaashi?" Kenma tilted his head intrigued

"W-we wanttoopenourrelationshipabit" Akaashi mumbled clearly embarrassed

"What was that? I have no Idea what you just said" Kuro tapped on Akaashi's head that was now on the table

"We want to open our relationship a bit" Akaashi spoke up a bit and turned his head slightly to see Kenma and Kuroo blushing and looking away

"We were kind of thinking the same thing" Kuroo seemed nervous

"Actually Kuroo, Kenma" Bokuto smiled his signature smile "Akaashi and I were wondering if you would like to join our relationship" Akaashi hid his face again

"Kotaro your being to casual about this" Bokuto turned to his setter and tilted his head slightly

"I don't know what you mean" Bokuto and Akaashi were about to continue when a timid voice spoke up from across the table

"We'd love to" The two Owl's eyes landed on Kenma who was smiling slightly "We wanted to ask you guys the same thing"

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