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Simon: What's scarier, Magnus after someone hurts Alec or Alec after someone hurts Magnus?

*everyone falling quiet in thought*

Jace: Let's find out! *punches Magnus* *punches Alec*

Alec: *pulling out a seraph blade*

Magnus: *letting his Magic flare out*

Jace: ... I made a big mistake.

Izzy: *leaving the room* Good luck!

Simon: *running out* Nice knowing you!

Clary: *backing out quikly* It was good while it lasted!

Jace: *sweating* Come on guys, let's talk about this.

Even Clary was like "Aight imma head out." Dankeee so sehr für die 6K Likes bzw. Abstimmungen ❤🤧 love ur reactions to the short storys~

Shadowhunters - Kurzgeschichten Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt