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To live within four walls, it's almost suffocating. Sometimes, comfort can be found from friendships with shadows that dance around the solid cage. That is how young Wendy felt, sitting on the vast sea of the bed in the room she no longer shared with her siblings. John & Michael. She missed being with them day in & day out. Now it felt as if their father had banished her away, forcing change upon her. It was a room for her solace, a room in which she would grow. Yes, a young lady's room. A white desk, a white vanity, a white bed, billowing white curtains. It all matched seamlessly, with a pearly shimmer. It was graceful, it was cohesive, elegant even. & It was so utterly dull compared to the dreams in which the children doused the nursery. Clouds, & ships, & mermaids, & savages. Fairies, & pixies, & incredible, unbelievable creatures. Neverland. Of course, the mysterious boy, the boy who self-proclaimed, "I'll never grow up!" Yes, the boy who enjoyed stories of himself, the stories that Wendy would tell. How could she know these things? Why certainly her dreams, of course. It was that strange magic. The same strange magic that would now only permit his shadow to cast across the carpet, the furniture, the walls; the strange magic that only allowed him to hover just outside the glass. He very well couldn't just enter, even with the window unlocked & open.

You see, young boys cannot enter a young lady's room. It's the barrier of adults & children. Wendy was on her way to becoming a lady, & he was to always be a boy. Boys do not sway a lady's heart. But for now, Wendy was not a lady, no. Still a mere child, with hopes, wishes, fantasies of running away, back to that faraway place through the sea of stars until daybreak. Wendy fiddled with the acorn in her fingers that was hanging from a delicate silver chain. Yes, she decided to hold onto dreams instead, to hold on to the promise that he would always return, always see her off into slumber. She slept much more soundly when his shadow laid on the floor next to her, casted by light of the moon, his silhouette in the window giving her comfort.

But as days pass & time ticks forward, promises tend to become such fickle things to boys & girls; their worlds rely purely on imagination & innocent passion, continuous flowing minds, creating a reality all their own. What meaning do words truly hold to children? What is time to young minds?

Slowly, the shadow stopped making his presence, no longer keeping her company. The acorn, her "kiss", was hid away in a box in a drawer. No more stories of boys who could fly. She let go of words. Wendy slowly began to let go of the memories, neglecting the thoughts of genuine childhood wonder. Forgetting.

Until there was nothing left to remember.


The sun still rises & sets.

The second star to the right remains the brightest.

Hello, lovelies. I hope you enjoyed the revamp of the prologue; the rest will be coming in time. I also want to mention that some themes throughout this story will become dark, & I will be adding trigger warnings for those situations as well at the top of each chapter where something may occur. I hope you take the time to give me a few words. I love to hear insight & it helps motivate me. I'll be seeing you all in the future.


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