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Poland rose from his chair and leaned slightly towards his personal microphone. As he leaned forward, Russia could see how the polish glanced bitterly at the other jurors for a brief moment.

Germany, on the other hand, had hardly moved. He didn't dare to look at Poland again. That one glance, just before the start of the trial, was enough for him anyway. He simply could not look at this country, which bore the handwriting of war in the form of countless scars on the skin. And Germany felt so guilty for every single stigma.

A deep sigh finally sounded from the speakers and spread across the room. The sigh sounded strangely irritable and at the same time Poland crossed his arms over his chest. The rest of the jurors had all curiously focused on him. It was no secret that Poland was one of the most suffering countries in the war. His statement would surely cause a stir.

Poland took his time starting his speech and the continuing silence became an ordeal for Germany. His leg started to tremble nervously. It should be over as soon as possible and yet Germany hoped that Poland would simply not say anything. He didn't want to hear all the gruesome details and he wished he could just cover his ears and run outside like a little child.

The loudspeaker crackled when Poland started to utter his first words.

"Me and my population have suffered unprecedented pain and cruelty in this war. The bombardments and rifle volleys caught us unprepared, while tanks dashed across the borders and mowed down everything that was under their chain. Nobody in my country could withstand this massive attack."

His tone was still irritated, but the next sentence sounded much more than that. It sounded exasperated, heated.

"In all of this, however, I was particularly struck by the fact that former allies became cruel enemies."

His gaze was directed straight ahead and Germany was aware that he had to mean Soviet and his father.

As Poland continued, he looked clearly and provocatively in the direction of UK and France. He addressed something that Germany had never considered before.

"Other, trusted allies, on the other hand, became ... miserable cowards. They accepted all the suffering of my people and closed their eyes to these atrocities."

"There was not even support from these ... ", he paused briefly and raised his corner of the mouth bitterly, "... oh so humane countries, when my country was occupied. We were abandoned by countries that call themselves human and ethically correct. We were starving, bleeding to death and we had to endure in the freezing cold, with no supplies or support from outside. While I was laying in my own blood and waited like a poor fool for my allies to step into this war, to help me, to support me... they still had their eyes and mouths closed. None of my oh-so-worthy allies came to help me or my people!"

He spat out his words like poison. A poison that left an unmistakable caustic trace.

"These are the countries that are now pointing their fingers at the accused! They now wipe their tears at the sight of the dead, but when the invasion of my country took place they just watched idly. I'm sick of your hypocrisy here."

America rose angrily from his place.

"The subjective impressions of Poland have nothing to do with the clarifying facts and pronouncing a judgment! He should keep it short."

NATO shook his head. "I want to hear everything Poland has to say." ASEAN agreed with a nod. "Please, Poland, continue."

Poland also nodded and a brief smile played around his lips.

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