Chapter 9

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Luke's POV

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8 in the morning." I said and smiled at her

"Okay." She said as she tuck the strands of her hair on her ear.

"You should probably sleep. It's already late and I don't want you to wake up late tomorrow .. We have a long funny day ahead." I said with a wide smile in my face.

She blushed and it made my heart thump.. She's the only one who gives me these feelings.

"Okay" she said and looked away scratching the back of her neck.

I chuckled.

"Now, i'll take you to your room. Before your brothers kill me." I said and walked with her up to her room.


Alex's POV

"Goodnight Alexander." He said and slowly walked over me and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Goodnight." I said and looked up at him and smiled.

I went inside my room and closed the door. I went to my bathroom to wash up and hopped into my bed.

I touched my forehead.. I smiled like an idiot remembering his kiss.

What are you thinking? You've only known him for a month? My sub conscious screaming inside.

Plus, he has a friend who is a pervert vampire.

But somehow I don't care, whenever he's around I get awkward and conscious.

It may sound dumb but that's what I feel just when I see him even in a crowded room.

I sighed and smiled light headed.

I closed my eyes and let my eyelids fall as I think of him.

"Morning Alexander." My brothers said in chorus while sitting on my bed side by side.

"What time is it?" I asked my face still buried in my pillows

"It's 7:00 in the morning." Alexis answered stroking my hair.

I sat up with my eyes clothes.

"I still wanna sleep." I whined while I stand up in the bed and stepped over Alexine.

"Wait for me okay?" I said to them before entering the bathroom.

I took a warm shower and went out with towel wrapped around my body. I went to the closet and closed the doors. I picked a checkered sleeves and denim shorts with my white converse and black sling bag.

I went out and looked at my brothers.

"How do I look" i asked nervously realizing that Luke and I will be having our first date today.

"I would like it better if you'll wear a really long skirt and a hoodie." Alexis said

"I agree." -Alexine

"Shut up." I said and laughed

"But seriously though, how do i look." I asked one last time.

"Gorgeous as ever." They said in chorus that made me chuckle

I went to their direction and hugged both of them at the same time.

"I love you guys." I said

"We love you too." They said again in chorus.

I laughed.

"You guys are cute, you know. How you say things in chorus." I said and they chuckled

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