Makeshift Med. Bay

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It's okay to be saved once in a while too.

Spider-Man's "friend" looked around at everyone. He was stark black hair that hung in his eyes, wet from sweat. His skin was tan, but almost as bronze as his armor he wore. His armor was a whole other thing, it was solid bronze and in an Ancient Greek style. His eyes were a piercing green that practically glowed. Normally you cannot tell someone's eye color from far away, but while this young man's eyes were as striking and dark as the muddied bay water, they had a glow about them, a light sea green quality that made them easy to identify and intimidating.

Intimidating. This boy was John Stamos levels beautiful, same complexion, same gorgeous dark hair. He could've been a teen heartthrob- if not for the edge he had to him. He didn't look all that strong, but it was the little things that were hard to pick up on that made you wary enough to stand back. He distanced himself from the rest of the heroes and simply watched them. Everyone was more or less paying their respects to Stark, who laid where he had died, a kneeling Pepper still beside him.

Spider-Man's friend's attention was torn from analyzing everyone around him when there was the whinny of a horse. He immediately turned in the direction of it and following his gaze, there was Valkyrie's pegasus, struggling to get up. Without even a glance at the Man of Spiders, the Greek man made his way to the winged horse, ignoring the suspicious stares of wary battlers.

He knelt by the pegasus and seemed to converse with it, but they were too far to be heard. Absolute nonsense though, pegasi cannot speak. After a moment he stood and looked at the heroes thirty paces away. None of them were doing anything, they weren't helping their wounded or taking head counts or trying to figure out the death toll. The boy scoffed in disgust.

"Haven't any of you ever been a part of a battle before?" His voice startled most the heroes out of their post battle stupor. Peter Parker raised his head for the first time in five minutes and looked over to where the Greek and the pure white pegasus were.

After no one responded, from pure shock, he scoffed again, "Let me tell you how this works then. I'm setting up a makeshift medical bay..." he looked around and then pointed, "Over there." he was pointing at a grassy area that eventually broke into trees. It was near where the Compound had been and was close to the road that led back into the rest of the world. It was the only area that hadn't had blood spilled or the ground razed.

"Whoever needs immediate medical attention will be brought there," He didn't just say this, he declared it, "Those of you who are well enough will find me medical supplies, whether it be from searching this wreckage, or raiding the local 7/11, that's your choice. All you guys have to do is get the injured to the grassy spot and get them supplies. Personally, I know basic field op first aid, but nothing crazy."

Without looking to see if anyone would listen to him, he turned his attention back to the pegasus and helped it to its feet. Slowly, over the wreckage, they made their way over to the grassy field he had been talking about and indicated to previously. There the pegasus settled into the grass, chewing at it as the strange dark haired young man began to examine its injuries. There still wasn't much movement. Most were still regarding him warily. Then they were looking on in shock when the pegasus he came in on returned.

This pegasus was pure black, it came from the city. The Greek boy looked up and it and then exclaimed, probably more loudly than he meant, "Don't tell me you robbed a Tim Horton's?!" which drew attention to the white paper bag in the horse's teeth. It whinnied through the bag and the boy just shook his head, "You're ridiculous, you know that?" then muttered under his breath, something about a donut addict.

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