i. the breakup

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The industry where everything revolves around scandals, money, and drugs. The industry that holds the most cherished as well as the most despised people in the entire world. The industry that is worth a total of nearly two hundred billion dollars.

Two hundred billion dollars spread among actors, singers, producers, directors, and more. Two hundred billion dollars which allow them to enjoy all the luxuries Hollywood has to offer. Mansions, chauffeurs, private planes, luxury cars. You name it.

Hollywood is not only that. It is also the home of the arts. The home of glamour. The home of films. The home of nightlife. And finally, the home of Lauren Jauregui.

"Lauren what the fuck, I've been waiting for you for like a whole fucking hour," Lauren's girlfriend, Keana, calls out as she opens the door of her home music studio, revealing the green-eyed girl sitting with big headphones on and a frustrated expression on her face. "Lauren!" she calls out walking over to her girlfriend and ripping off her headphones.

"What the fuck Keana," Lauren says looking at the brunette.

"Are you fucking deaf? I've literally called your name a million times."

She lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't hear you through the fucking soundproof walls."

"Whatever," Keana mumbles. "We have to leave right now. We're already like an hour late."

"Do I really need to go? I'm kind of busy right now."

"Of course you need to fucking go, Lauren. I've already told Ally you are coming. Imagine what she would think if I showed up alone," she states. "Now get up." Without waiting for the singer, Keana turns around and starts walking out of the studio, soon being followed by Lauren.

"I don't understand why you want to introduce me to your friends all of a sudden. We've literally been dating for two fucking years and you had to pick my busiest day for this shit," Lauren groans as they walk up to Keana's car.

"Just because you all are frustrated about your shitty song, doesn't mean you are actually busy," Keana says opening the car door and getting into the driver's seat.

"Fuck you," she mumbles slamming the car door.

Lauren has always been somewhat of a problematic child, since the day she was born. All the way from kindergarten to high school and from high school to adulthood. She wasn't one to take orders from others, especially if they were coming from her teachers or parents. But Lauren was also super gifted, the level of gifted where you could literally kill one of your classmates and still not get kicked out of school.

Not only was she incredibly smart, top of her class smart, but she also had an amazing ability with music. At the age of two, she learned to play her first instrument, at six her parents discovered that she also had an incredible voice and by the time she was sixteen she had signed her first music contract. And with that contract came many things. Fame, money, recognition, admiration, and also a bit of a substance addiction that came in hand with some anger issues. But yet again, who didn't have all those things in Hollywood?

"So, who's gonna be there again?" Lauren asks after thirty minutes of quiet driving.

"For the last fucking time, Lauren. They're all going to be there. Ally, Dinah, Camila, Sophia, and Hailee," Keana says keeping her eyes on the road.

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