Chapter 1

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" Death is not the greatest loss in life, the greatest loss is what dies inside of us, while we still live"

-Norman Cousins

Darkness enveloped all around me. It was the only thing I saw. It was dark, and cold and I felt empty, lonely, secretly hoping someone would come save me.
Despite my state, I still could hear voices.

"She's been asleep for weeks Alpha, I'm not even sure if she's gonna make it," the voice of a woman said. Her voice was gentle and soothing, she sounded like my mother.
"Her healing rate is incredibly slow for a wolf and I fear her days are numbered."

There was a slight pause before I heard another voice.
"Its okay Ash," the voice said dripping with authority. "She's a strong and willed one," the voice continued. "She'll pull through." I felt a pair of hands grab mine and squezzed them in reassurance.



"Pig will you stop moving" he said giggling as he tried to lift me up onto his back.
"You're gonna drop me" my six year old self complained pouting.
The little boy, grinned revealing his missing tooth on his upper jaw.
"Dont worry Pig," he said assuringly "Ill catch you if you fall" he said as he kissed my cheek and helped me up again. He always did have a trouble prouncing my name when we were little, so he just stuck to calling me Pig.
I put my chubby little legs around his small body and he started to adjust himself so he was comfortable.
"You okay up there Pig" he said cutely as he held my legs securely.

Even as he kid he was bossy, arrogant and rude but he had a caring and loving side to him that made my six year old self wanna be friends with him. He would get me flowers, hold my hand when I got scared, chase all the bullies away, he was my best friend and I loved him like a brother.

"Yea" I said I said pushed my piggytails away from my face. "I'm fine Jarrod" I grinned sheepishly as I wrapped my arms around his tiny neck.
"Okay, now off we goooo" he yelled as he gave me a piggy back around the playground. "We are unstopppaaabblleee," six year old Jarrod exclamined as he continued running in circles around. Our mothers looked at us and burst out laughing at our childish behaviour but we didnt care. In fact we had no care in the world.

*End of flashback*


"Alpha, the wait is ridiculous' she should already be awake by now" Ash said, worry evident in her voice.
"What do we do" she asked again this time looking for guidance.
Alpha smiled at her and said. "We wait"



I was on the ground sobbing uncontrollably. I couldnt believe what was happening.
"Jarrod please" I pleaded desperation dripping in my voice.
"We should talk about this" I tried again. I got up and stood just behind Jarrod. His back facing me, I warpped my arms around his waist and buried my face in the back of his neck.
I felt him tense as I touched him and my heart ached because of it. I was the cause if his pain.

"No," he whispered, more to himself. I could tell he was having an inner battle with himself and I knew he was losing.
"No!" he said again much louder, I stepped back away from him.
I looked into his eyes and noticed a change. Something was not right.
His eyes which used to hold warmth and love was now replaced with cold and distaste.

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