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jaeden's pov

as soon as class started this girl beside started to flirt with me. twisting her hair with her finger and all that. I looked at lila to see her staring straight at the girl that was talking to me. I chuckled finding it cute.

she noticed me looking at her and she looked away. she checked once more to see if I was still looking and blushed looking away. I didn't notice I was smiling until after the girl beside me was trying to get my attention.

"um, hello?" the girl whispered. "what? oh um, yeah?" I say. "so as I was saying, gigi is having a party tomorrow night and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me" she asked all flirty. "oh yeah, about that. I'm already going with someone else. sorry" I say as I bring my attention back to the lesson.

lila's pov

after school
(so I will be doing a little bit of social media posts and stuff sooo just pretend it's you)


lilaraine: Thursday moods

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lilaraine: Thursday moods.

babyborgese: omgg. that's my bestie.

Wyattoleff: um no she's my bestie.

lilaraine: wyattoleff wyatt, you're both my besties smh.

jaedenmartell: adorable.

babyborgese: jaedenmartell omg, jaeden's a simppp.

wyattoleff: babyborgese uh- tea ☕️.

lilaraine: babyborgese um, no ❤️

jaedenmartell: babyborgese no comment.


I turned my head to look at jaeden since we were still in the car. "how'd you find my insta handle?" I asked. "it was pretty easy" he chuckled as he turned back to his phone.

jaedenmartell is now following you.

"mom! we're home!" I yelled as loud as I could since she could be anywhere in this gigantic castle, mansion thingy.

"honey, no need to yell. I was just in the room beside you" she laughed. I laughed embarrassed. "is dad busy?" I asked hoping I could finally see him, since I haven't seen him in a few days.

"aw, yes. sorry hon. maybe next time you could visit him in his study" my mom smiled warmly. I sighed disappointed. "well, um that's okay mom. I'm going to my room now, okay?" I told her. "okay, hon." she says walking away back into her office.

I walked up the stairs and was about to shut my door when, "hey, lila? I was wondering if you could help with my English homework? you know, since we're in the same class?" he asks. "yeah, sure. come on in" I say tired closing the door after he enters.

"no- jaeden, it's because she drank that potion.
that's why she shrunk. not because she ate the cookie" I say super sleepy. "well I wasn't paying attenti-" jaeden says stopping as he sees my eyes slowly closing with my head on my hand.

"hey, lila? I could figure this out on my own. you should go take a nap before dinner" jaeden says closing his book and putting them in his bag. "no, no I could stay awake. I just need someone to bring me coffee.." I say slowly drifting to sleep.

jaeden chuckles softly and carries the girl back to bed and tucks her in. "sweet dreams, princess" jaeden says smiling watching the girl peacefully sleep. jaeden finally leaves the room and carefully closed the door behind him.

I woke up and looked at my desk to see an iced coffee sitting there with a note on it. "hope you've had a good nights nap :)" I smiled. it was probably one of the maids who brought it up here. I drank some and my eyes opened wide. mmm omg this coffee is delicious! did my maids get better at making coffee cause jeeezz.

i exited my room to see jaeden also leaving his room. "like the coffee?" jaeden smiles. "yes! it's so good I wonder who made-" "I made it" jaeden cuts me off. I looked at him and just completely panicked. not right infront of him of course. more like a mental breakdown. I was probably blushing and standing there like an idiot.

"are you okay?" jaeden asks looking just a little bit concerned. "yep. heh. I'm okay!" I say. then running down the stairs to avoid that awkward conversation, moment. whatever that was.


hiii! so I hoped you liked this story! it's not the best, I know but yeah I tried. and if you're wondering where the heck shay is, (lila's sister) she'll maybe be in the next chapter.

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