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Well last night was really fun with mt cousins, their parents are so cool as well. I can't believe they have a chef of their own and really knows how to cook. I really enjoy L.A.

Then since L.A is 6 hours behind, i'm used to brazilian time which is ahead. I wake up and its 6 O'clock. I look around and its still dark, i get out of bed and walk to the balcony in my room (dressed in my pjs which are light blue with pink spots and a white vest top with a bear hugging the moon).


Me: (talking to myself) this place is so beautiful! I can see lights everywhere in this sun rise. *i take a pic of the sunrising*

Its now 7...i then take a shower and put on a dark grey short sleeved crop top and high waist skinny shorts in navy blue with my traditional ankle bracelet its gold with small diamonds on it.

I lay in the room for another hour. Its now 8.20..i walk outta my room to the kitchen...


Me: *walk in* (see the mat n moi's mum is up AKA my aunt) good morning aunt

Aunt: morning sweety *sipping on some tea* (watching some 'The Wendy William Show") how did u sleep

Me: really well. But i woke up around 5/6 a.m i'm used to home time

Aunt: aww what a shame, so u had to wait?

Me: i guess

Aunt: u can grab some cereal if u like or rather tell the chef to make for u a breakfast meal *walks out of the kitchen*

(Chef walks in)

Chef: Ola miss (morning miss)

Me: (his portuguese) ola, como vai? (hi, how are u?)

Chef: esta bem (i'm fine) what will u like for breakfast?

Me: um just toasted bread with avocado and scrambled eggs with coco

Chef: are u vegetarian?

Me: yes

Chef: okay i will prepare something better

Me: *huge smile* aww thank u

Mateo and moises' parents pass by the kitchen

Me: *on my phone/instagraming*

Uncle: morning lisa

Me: morning

Aunt: we are going out and will be back later

Me: okay have fun *smiling*

Uncle: call if anything wrong happens and they boys will not bother u

Aunt: bye sweetie *kiss my forehead/they all walk outta the house and go*

Spring Break ♥(Jaden Smith Love Story)♥Where stories live. Discover now