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I walk up stairs to my room....


(i see dasia's last text, then we skype)

Me: hey das YESSSS I JUST SAW HIM!!!!!!!

Daisa: how tall is he?? *jumping up n down with excitment with me*

Me: his 5,8 huge smile his 5feet taller than me!!!

Dasia: now i'm really jealous

Me: hehe u shouldn't be sweethea *get cut off* ((SOMEONE KNOCKING AT MY DOOR)) hey i will chat with u later duty call at the door

Dasia: see ya *kissy face*

(I close my skype and walk over to the door and answer it)

Me: *open* hey (its jadennnn)

Jaden: hi

(Awkward eye contact for 10secs)

Me: ummm are u lost?

Jaden: hehe no no umm moises and mateo told me to ask u if u wanna come along and see "L.A WATERPARK"

Me: oh hm okay let me just change up u know

Jaden: okay cool

Me: *shut the door behind me*

(I change into a dark red crop top written "hot mess on it" with black shorts and black gladiators and a swim suit underneath then my hair all curled with a dark red hair band. I walk downstairs to were the boys are in the living room watching mudic videos)


Me: we still chilling?

Moises: we were waiting for u and u look pretty

Jaden: *staring/smiling*

Mateo: *peck my cheek* she is a cutie



Moises is driving sitting in the front with mateo and jaden is in the  back with me. The volume in the car is high playing "DRUNK IN L♥VE" and we are driving on a high way....(in a white tinted window range rover)

Me: *dancing/mining the song*

Jaden: (thinking: she looks so fun and knows about the whole song anyway)

Next song playing is "Tuesday by ilove---- ft drake comes on"

Mateo reduces the volume, reach at jay's place

Me: where are we?

Jaden: that's my crib

Me: no way!!

··jaden's place is so huge and beautiful, their gatez are far from their house··

Me: what are we doing here?

Moises: picking up some chickas

¤¤~~Willow and her cousin enter the car, moises then drivez to waterpark~~¤¤


Me: hey u guys

Every1: heyy

Willow n jaden's Cousin: hello

Everyone: hi

Jaden: willow meet mateo and moises' cousin Lisa

Me: hey are u a model?

Lisa: *giggle* no, way?

Me: jay usually dates models

Lisa: *makez an awkward face*

Me: anyway lisa meet nicole

Nicole: hi lisa

Lisa: hey nicole

Me: oh and cole is a model

Lisa: *fake a smile*

Is jaden in love with lisa? Is lisa hurt the face she doesnt feel willow likes her? Is Lisa jealous of the way nicole is a model and jaden aways dates models? Keep reading ♡♡

Spring Break ♥(Jaden Smith Love Story)♥Where stories live. Discover now