Smith's Crib: Part Two

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Jaden rose his voice then I ignore him and walk out the front door. I start shedding tears because he yelled at me and i embarrassed myself. I shouldnt have let nicole control my mind. I sit down on their front second stair and continue crying (because his my crush) . The girl who was standing behind him is Gabby. Gabby is 18 and she is a family friend of the Smiths.

I feel someone leaning on my shoulder

Me: *wipe my tears/eyes still red*

Its mateo

Mateo: hey are u okay?

Me: *nod my head* yea....yea..where iis jaden?

Mateo: in the kitchen with the girls. Why did u do that?

Me: (crying voice) nicole told me to do that in order for him to like me

Mateo: ohhh wait u like jay?

Me: (slowly nod my head) maaaayyyybeeee

Mateo: i see, hmm don't be shy u are my cousin. Well i know jaden but not as much as nicole. But i can try to help u guys be together. As for nicole and gabby just get to know them..they are good friends but u know how girls are right

Me: (smile) i hear u thank u mateo

Mateo: well lets get going. Mum juat called that we are having an outing. Get in the car (give me the keys) i'm gonna tell jay i'm living

I walk to the car and unlock it then i sit their and play music. After a short time i see mateo coming out with jaden and gabby nicole isnt their.

Gabby walks towards me in the car

Gabby: hi, lisa right?

Me: correct

Gabby: i'm Gabby, i saw what u did back in the house

Me: it was stupid i know

Gabby: no its actually smart, i've never seen a girl do something she has been wanting to try than the i will wait till he makes a move kinda thing u know.

Me: (laugh a bit) yeaaa

Gabby: where u from?

Me: i'm mateo's cousin and yea i'm from Brazil

Gabby: OMG that far!! I do like to go to brazil

Me: its awesome their, L.A is different to me. People don't seem much friendly

Gabby: u think jaden is the only unfriendly person u have met so far, but don't worry that was nothing. He is a really cool someone. Just get to know him

Me: i don't think he can be able to talk to me after that

Gabby: i'm sure u will be just fine

Gabby looks towards the house and sees mateo and jaden talking.

Gabby: i wonder what they are talking about

Me: i hope not me

Gabby: yea..umm tomorrow i'm going to the beach with some friends and i will invite mateo along because jaden will be their same with will, so i hope u will join me.

Me: i hope so as well

Gabby: do u have a USA number?

Me: no, i currently use a laptops to communicate with people

Gabby: oh that sucks. I will text mateo to get through to u okay? (Smiles all brightly)

Me: sure thing. (Smile back)


Jaden: whats was your cousin thinking?

Mateo: it was just some miss understanding

Jaden: it was sorta cute she did that

Mateo: wait so u are not mad at her?

Jaden: no, its all good

Mateo: well she is scared of u know.

Jaden: damn! How many more weeks till she's here?

Mateo: about two

Jaden: good..i wonder what gabby is talking about with her. Does she own a number?

Mateo: girl stuff i guess. And nope!! Is gabby having her chill tomorrow at the ocean with the fireworks and all that??

Jaden: ocean she said yes. But the fireworks we are having them here, my fox agreed. Many people will be here

Mateo: what of madison?

Jaden: that girl comes to everything..even if its a twerk off..buttless she will make it. My feels are dead

Mateo: (busts out laughing)

Jaden: to be honest your cousin is hot..thats why i cared less for the kiss

Mateo: would u give her a chance?

Jaden: only if i get to know her trully u know

Mateo and jaden finish up talking so have i and gabby. As mateo drives the car i see jaden eyeing me with a smile, gabby is waving and i see nicole coming out of the house looking sorryful. On our way outta the gate..we see Will smith And Jada driving in with Willow sitting at the back sit, she smiles and waves at us and we do the same...while mateo and i greet her parents. Then mateo drives us home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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