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♥️1.5 million likes

Like she said, we just hanging out.

👤 Joy


peachhyun: Y'all look so damn attractive, it's starting to hurt now.

Ncracknology: Define hanging out.

Jaejoyhyun: Everyone we've moved to Jaehyun's account.

tenlee_1001: Considering the change of clothing I assume you all met up again.

_imyour_joy:^^^ Your assumption is correct

Hi_seulgi: Funny how I thought you two went out in the middle of the night to do something weird. But you guys just went to take freaking photos!!

Johnnyjsuh: ^^^Can't you credit the photo taker at least.

_jeongjaehyun:^^^ I could but I really didn't feel like typing more into this post.

yuu_taa_1026:^^^Lazy ass, Mic breather -_-

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