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♥️2.3 million likes

My babies are back together!!

1.4 million comments:

Luvie_l: To think that this is her first post in a long time.

Blinkarmy: ^^^ I thought she was going to address the dating rumor

7Dejavu7: As expected, our Dream president.

Nctzensunite: Forget the scandals and rumours, stream Make A Wish.

Yermiese: Would it kill you to wear earbuds instead of blasting this song on repeat!

Joyfulluvlie: Joy is definitely one of those embarrassing noonas in the audience.

JustinSeagull: ^^^ only difference is that it's literally Joy.

Ot5comeback: I hope we can get another clip of Joy dancing to chenle's part again😂

Baekhyunee_exo: I swear she loves them more than her own group.

Renebaebae:^^^ I wouldn't be surprised.

fullsunokay: Nice to know that Joy has great taste in music.

Joysèship: I knew I stanned the right person.

_imyour_joy: @renebaebae Cant help it, 7dream for life.

The past three chapters jumped around alot, sorry about that. I wanted to hurry the plot since I'm going to be busy in the following weeks. Anyways I wanted to share that NCT came back with amazing songs, and y'all should check them out :)

@_She'sOur_Joy // DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now