Chapter VIII

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Sana's pov

Tzuyu's birthday is tomorrow so we're planning to go to the beach and stuff. I brought Tzuyu's gift yesterday. I was really thinking of spending her whole birthday with me but I know she won't go with me. Mina has been clingy to her all the time I can't even have my precious time with my Tzuyu.

"Hey, unnie? You ok?" Dahyun ask. I nodded as an answer.

Dahyun and I are still together. What should I do? I can't let her go I love her and also love Tzuyu.

"Sana? Can we talk?" Jeongyeon unnie asked I nodded and follow her ourside the dorm and we go to the rooftop. As soon as we sat down she spoke.

"You know, you are dating Dahyun but your mind is on Tzuyu." Jeongyeon unnie said.

"Hayts. Unnie I still love her like a lot." I said and look down.

"You can't love both of them, yoj are hurting Dahyun and also Momo." I look at her confuse.

"Momo like Dahyun. She was about to confess to her the say Tzuyu found out that you are cheating. Tzuyu knows it long ago she just don't want to tell it to you." Jeongyeon unnie said as I look down.

"You know you should choose between them. Weight your lovebto them like who's the most and who's not. You can't be selfish you know. If you get Tzuyu back maybe she's with Mina now. Mina is making a move and there's 99.9% that Tzuyu will accept her love." Jeong unnie said.

"I-I don't k-know how to g-get her f-forgiveness." I said.

"If you love Tzuyu, you can do anything and if you love Dahyun focus on her or let Momo get Dahyun from you. It's your choice I just want you to know that someone is also hurting from a far." She said and leave. I look at the sky.

Who do I really love?

Dahyun or Tzuyu?

I look down from the edge of the railings and saw Tzuyu with Mina they are laughing while walking. In time I know Mina can make Tzuyu fall for her. I should let them, No!

"No, I won't let Mina get Tzuyu she's mine..." I smiled.

"But what about Dahyun?"

"I can't let her go also!"

"No they are mine!"

I smile evily.

"If I can't get Tzuyu then no one can!" I said and laugh evily.

Unknowingly to her someone's listening all this time.

Momo's pov

I saw Dubu sitting on the couch. I smiles and walj towards her.

"Hey Dubu!" I said brightly.

"Hey Momoring how are you?" She said brightly. I smiled. How can I fall out of love? This girl keeps making my heart flutter all the time?
Sadly She's with Sana now.

"I'm good! How about you?" Yeah that's a lie all this time it hurts me. It hyrts seing you cuddle with her and kiss her. It hurts looking at yoi happily talking with her. It hurts like I got stab a million times. But i can't just tell you about it. I can't just tell you I'm hurting while you're holding someone's hand.

I didn't know that I'm spacing out until.

"I miss you Momoring." She said smiling and hugging me. Here it goes again. My heart keeps beating and I feel like I am floating in cloud nine. All those hurtful scene fading just this simple words from you Dubu.

"I miss you too Dubu! Haha what's with the sudden emo? It's not like you." I said laughing.

"Why? Can't I miss my Best Friend?" Ouch. Yeah right I'm just a best friend. I just smiled even though it hurts.

"Why? Haha. We're in the same Dorm you know haha. We see each other everytime." I said holding my tears back. She shook her head and smiled at me.

I excuse myself to go to the Bathroom. She nodded her head and headed to the bathroom as soon as I close the door the tears that I'm holding back imediately fall down all the way to my cheeks. I smiled bitterly.

As soon as I'm finish I wash my face and go outside.

"Who's excited for tomorrowww?!!!!" Nayeon unnie shout and they all shout me in Happiness... I just let them do whatever they do and go to my shared room with Jeong and let myself wonder in my dreamland.


Is Sana a Psycho?

Who's the one listening to Sana?

What will happened to Momo's heart?

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