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I tried my best hope you like it
"Ok! That's a wrap! Thank you everyone! Our next shoot will be tomorrow at 9 don't forget!" You shouted at your crew. You were in a countryside in France and are making pre-wedding videography and photoshoot for your client. You were busy adjusting your equipment and carefully putting it in your bag when you're bestfriend and partner (F/N) came to you.

"I didn't know you had a half-broken-heart tattoo, when did you get it?" they asked curiously while holding your arm and inspecting it.

"I dont know what came to me actually, I was just roaming alone when we were in Paris and a certain tattoo boutique caught my attention, and i just noticed that i had this tattoo when I left the boutique" you shrugged and continued packing up

"well, yeah I understand that but why did you choose a half broken heart design?"

"believe it or not but the artist told me that their tattoo will lead me to my soulmate, they said they'll tattoo something that my soulmate has or whatever so they designed this broken heart"

"WHAT?! You believe on those things?! (Y/N) the last time I checked your anti-romance and never once I saw you dating someone!" (F/N) looked at you like they saw a miracle or as if the sun rises at the north.

"of course not! Its just their marketing strategy and I was bored ok? And this can be my souvenir here in France. Anywho~ I'll get going imma go walk and explore, i'll see you tomorrow"

"ohh~ careful on your way, you might bumped into your soulmate~" (F/N) poked your side waist teasing you.

"shut it! Im going! Bye!"
"Soulmate huh? Like that actually exist" you shaked your head and went to continue your walk, destination unknown.

While you were walking, you were also busy taking photos of anything that catches your eye. You found a field full of flowers and you stayed there for a while capturing every single flower in that field. You were busy adjusting your camera lens when it suddenly caught something, it looks like a half heart so you readjusted your lens only to find a man lying on the flowery field sleeping, or at least since his eyes are close. You stared at him unknowingly and inspected him, his white hair styled weirdly but it somehow suits him and made him look like he's from another world, his chiseled face who's peacefully resting and was surrounded with flowers and his black top which contrast his fair complexion. You unconsciously took a photo of him and he suddenly woke up from hearing the shutter noice. He opened his eyes and looked at you, your eyes met and you've never seen such beautiful crystal blue eyes before, you cant help but stare at him and he did the same. Everything around suddenly felt different and it seems like you were trapped in your own worlds.

Suddenly a dog barked which snapped both of you back to the reality, you just noticed your heart is beating so fast it seems like you ran a few kilometers, you looked away and he did the same, a prominent blush can be seen on your faces.

"umm.. I'm sorry about... uhh.. taking your picture without your consent.. Umm.. I just-" you started to panic after realizing what you just did mentally slapping yourself at your stupidity. The man noticed your nervousness and smiled

"Its okay, you're a tourist?" his voice lured you to look at him again and you saw him smiling and you can feel something in your stomach, something that you've never felt before, seeing him smile and hearing his voice made your mind and heart have gone haywire and it seems like it suddenly stopped functioning , it made you just want to stare at his smile and hear his voice.

"uhm.. mademoiselle?" his voice snapped you again and mentally slapped your face again "get it together me! What the hell are you doing?!"

"uh.. Yeah I'm here to work, I'm a photographer and I'm done for today so I decided to explore a bit" you finally managed to calm yourself, you looked at him and smiled and just like you, he also felt unknown emotions came rushing through him and he stared at you, a few minutes and he finally snapped back.

"oh? Really? That's interesting, would you mind accompanying me here? Have a small talk while adorning these beautiful flowers, I'm Jean Pierre Polnareff by the way" he looked calm and casual but deep inside, his nervous and having a mental breakdown, his hands are shaking and his forehead's starting to sweat. This is also a first to him, meeting someone for the first time yet it feels like he finally found what he was looking for.

"sure! I'm (Y/N) (L/N) its nice meeting you Mr. Polnareff and im really sorry about earlier"
"even his name is beautiful" you both thought to each other.
Polnareff held your hand and kissed the back of it without taking his eyes off of you, the moment his lips touched your hand, you felt sparks travelled all over your body, you felt that ticklish sensation in your stomach and you can feel your face blushing.

"why dont you we sit down while we talk, im sure its tiring if you'll keep standing, and I wouldn't let you get tired of course" he winked at you and lead you to his spot and cleaned another spot for you to sit.

You talked for hours and you both enjoyed each other's company, it feels like you two had met and known each other for years. You feel connected to him and so was he. You talked about a lot of things, from your own childhood, past experiences, hobbies and even nonsensical topics. You find comfort when his near you and whenever you both touched, there's always that incredible feeling that swells up in you. The best thing is that he always looked at you in the eyes whenever you're sharing stories, you liked it that his attention was focused into you and listens attentively. While you on the other hand loves staring at his beautiful blue eyes.

"hey (Y/N), I noticed that you had a tattoo in your arm, its the same as my earrings, where did you get it?" Polnareff asked while looking at your tattoo

"oh this? I got it when I was in Paris-" you remembered what the tattoo artist said about finding your soulmate and you can't help but blush when you saw his earrings with the same design as your tattoo. Polnareff noticed your blush and he also started to blush.

"your tattoo and my earrings, they are both half a heart, people called it weird for me to have this earring but, I know I may sound weird, but I believe that this earring will lead me to my soulmate" he looked down and scratched the back of his neck. "I was also in Paris when a fortune teller told me that I'll meet my fated partner with these earrings, its been 4 years since then." he looked back at you and you can see the sincerity in his eyes, it makes you want to capture it with your DSLR and keep it forever.

"you know, Im not actually planning on getting this tattoo, but there's this unique tattoo boutique that caught my attention, when I entered the place, the artist seems like they've been waiting for me and told me that their tattoo can lead me to my soulmate"

"wait, really? Are you talking about that person wearing a weird outfit with colorfull hair and just really weird all on all? They had a small boutique hidden near in the suburbs"

"y-yeah?! They also offered you the earrings? And somehow they kinda hypnotized you to say yes?" Polnareff nodded and you looked at each other for a minute before you started to laugh.

"did that person scammed us or what?" you said in the middle of your laughter. Polnareff calmed down and grabbed your hand, he kissed it and put it on his chest, you can feel his heart beating fast, the same as yours, he suddenly looked at you with a serious but full of sincerity written all over his face.

"scammed or not, but (Y/N), I would really love to know you better, I feel really comfortable with you and I've never felt like this to anyone. So, would you like to have a dinner with me? And probably spend your life with me? "

"*chuckles* that's smooth" you pinched his nose "I also felt the same way, being with you, even just for a short time gave color to my life. I would also loved to know you better and yes, I'll gladly have dinner with you" you looked into each other's eyes one more time before Polnareff leaned on you and kisses your forehead.

Well, what do you think? I actually read references on how soulmate au works, just to be sure if im doing it right, i dunno, not sure 😅 im sorry if i flopped it 🙇‍♀️

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