21.0// Open Arms //

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"You've got quite a punch".

I ignored him and started to clean up his bloody nose. To be fair, I didn't do a bad job. He might have to live with that crooked bridge, but he'll live. He winced as I dabbed his nose with disinfectant. 

"Could you please not press so hard". He whined. 

"No. It's your fault I'm even having to waste my night doing this for you".

"How on earth is it my fault? I didn't provoke you in any way. I definitely didn't come her to get beaten".

"You don't think you're deserving of one. A beating?"

I realised how I'd raised the tension levels, so I quickly turned around to get a clean cotton pad. 

Tom finally spoke up. "I just don't think that was the welcome back I expected".

"You've got a lot of nerve thinking you were even going to get a welcome back", I retorted.

Silence again.

"So what did you expect", I finally asked, my back still turned away.

"Open arms? A chance to explain myself?"

"You're very brave, thinking you could show your face here".

"Thanks. Could you go a bit easier with my nose".

"No", I said sharply, and started cleaning it quite aggressively, "I suppose you think you've got balls coming in here, expecting anything at all".

"Shawn told me that you weren't feeling good and how you missed me-"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah so I had to come and see you. Obviously I don't blame you-"

"Yes well Shawn has quite a big mouth. And sometimes that...brain of his, it doesn't function properly so-"

"But he's not wrong is he? You were sad and wanted to see me".

"Can your cocky ass not understand me? I never missed you. Yeah maybe for the first month or so, but I can get over people as well as the next man. Okay, I was angry, and upset, and devasted... but I got over it. You wanna know why? Because I don't waste my time with people who clearly don't care about me".

"Who says I don't give a shit? Y/N, I wanted to get on that plane so badly, I was all packed and ready but something came up-"

"Oh, did it now?"

"Don't be like that. You were in the industry long enough to know how it works. There's no time for-"


"No, that's not what-"

"No Tom, that's exactly what you meant. And I think that's why we can't ever be together. You're too focused on your work, which isn't a bad thing," I quickly added once I saw his face, "but it's just going to get in the way. And I'M dedicated too. I'm never going to have time for you. There's no point putting us through all of this. It just isn't going to work. So we need to end this. Now".

"You don't really mean that".

"Yes, yes I do".

"No you don't. You'll say that you're ending it, but you'll never go through with it. This is just repeating history. We'll hook up together and repeat this whole mess again".

I was shaking my head. "That won't happen".

"Stop being so NAIVE Y/n". He shouted, hands on his head, turning away because he couldn't even look at me.

"I'm not being naive!" I shouted back. "I won't ever come back to you because I'm seeing someone else!"

It just slipped. I never meant to let him know. And I was fucking regretting it. He turned to face me, a look of shock, anger and innocence all rolled into one. He didn't say anything so I did.

"Oh come on, you can't be too shocked that I've started seeing other people".


"Tom, that's hardly relevant-"

"Who are you seeing?" He repeated slowly.

"It doesn't matter. It's none of your business. I just want to make my point. You moved on, remember? To my sister of all people. And I respected it. To the best of my abilities. So just do the same and don't be so fucking stubborn". I was tired now and it showed. I think he saw it too. He ran his hands through his hair, giving out a sight of frustration. He stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him. I went to the window, watching him get into his car, slamming his car door. The I saw something else. He started crying. At the steering wheel. The second he stepped into his car, he broke down, sobbing and I wanted nothing more than to run out and him, telling him it was all going to be okay. I'd never seen him like this. Crying so much until he couldn't breathe. 

I heard a ping come from my phone. Through my forming tears, I read 

Harry S

You still up for our informal dinner. -H

I smiled. But watching Tom from the window, made me hesitate. I had two options. Run out and tell Tom how much I love him, anything to stop him from crying like this. Or I could accept that is the process of moving on, and reply back to Harry.

Yes of course. Let me know what time x 

Two chapters in one week? How lucky are you lot. This one was a bit gut wrenching, I can actually imagine Tom crying so hard, but he's such a good actor I woudnt put it past him. We've got a release date for Devil All The Time !!! So excited. You might not get another chapter for a while, but keep faith in me 😂

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