Leaving Earth

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Elena's POV

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Elena's POV

It's been a little over a week since we defeated Loki. I completed my exams. Bruce and Tony made a holder for the tesseract. Today Thor and I are leaving Earth, taking Loki with us. So that he can face Asgardian justice. Not that Fury is happy about it, Loki tried to take over the Earth.

Anyway my dad dropped by in another dream. He had left me a dress to wear when I leave Earth. It's gorgeous, blue and white. Father (Clint) gave me a snow flake necklace to remember him and my adoptive family by. As I couldn't see them in person to say goodbye. I skyped [spelling?] them though. Promising to visit them soon.

I'm brushing my hair when someone knocks on my door. I place the brush down. "Enter" I say as I stand up to face the door. Father enters the room and freezes. "How do I look?" I ask him as I give a small twirl.

"You look like a princess" he tells me.

"I am a princess" I remind him.

"We're ready" he tells me.

"Then lets go" I tell him. We leave the room and head for the flight deck. We meet the others there and I see Loki has been muzzled. "Is that necessary?" I ask them.

"He was being a wise arse" Tony states.

"And you aren't?" I ask him.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look Ice Princess?" he asks me smirking. As we land in an empty field.

"No" I say and go over to Natasha. "Gonna miss you" I tell her.

"You don't let them change you into a pussy" she tells me.

"Never" I assure her and we hug.

"It's time Princess Elena" Thor says appearing with the tesseract in it's holder.

"Ok, hope to see you guys soon" I tell the others. Thor and I hold one handle holding the other out to Loki. He rolls his eyes and takes it. We disappear in a beam of light. "Whoa" I say as we land on a hard floor. Thor steadies me.

"Welcome Princess Elena to Asgard" a dark skinned man in golden armor says.

"Heimdall?" I ask and he nods his head. "Pleasure" I say as guard chain Loki removing the muzzle. Just then my biological father appears and hugs me.

"I'm glad you are safe my daughter" he says.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person father" I say.

"We will talk later, now we must escort Loki to Odin" he tells me. I nod my head and we go to the rainbow bridge. We walk down it as I admire Asgard. "You think this beautiful, wait until you see our palace" he tells me smiling. We reached Asgard and went straight to the throne room.

"Welcome Princess Elena, we shall start your training tomorrow" Queen Frigga tells me. She then turns to Loki and the guards. "Loki" she says.

"Hello mother, have I made you proud?" he asks her.

"Please don't make this worse" she tells him.

"Define worse" he tells her.

"Enough, I will speak to the prisoner alone" Odin states.

"Come dear" Frigga says and leads me out of the room with my father. "Now you have much to learn my dear" she tells me.

"I know" I tell her. "I still have to learn more about my powers, how to fight with your weapons, politics and everything else that comes with being a queen" I say.

"Don't worry, you will learn fast" dad assures me with a smile. "Thor and his friends will help you with weapon training. I'll help you with your powers and tell you all about Jotunheim along with it's history. Frigga will teach you about politics, edicate, dance and all the things a queen should do" he explains.

"According to your father, you are a fast learner. I'm sure you will pick things up quickly" Frigga says.

"What will happen with Loki?" I ask them.

"He will be locked up in the dungeon for the rest of his life" Frigga says sadly.

"He deserves worse for taking you" dad states.

"He did not hurt me" I remind him. "Besides he can't do anything to me or anyone else anymore" I add. We meet Thor and four others. "Who are your friends Thor?" I ask him.

"Elena, this is Lady Sif and the warriors three. My friends and team" Thor says proudly.

"Fandral at your service princess" the blonde haired man says kissing my hand.

"Volstagg" the ginger bearded man says.

"Hogun" says the last man bowing his head.

"Nice to meet you all, I look forward to training with you" I tell them.

"Really?" Sif asks unimpressed looking at my dress.

"Oh don't let this dress fool you, I am a fighter. I help defend Midgard from Loki and the Chitauri" I tell her.

"She did, she is a fine young warrior" Thor states.

"I'll believe that when I see it" Sif states.

"Tomorrow, after breakfast" I tell her. She nods her head and leaves with the warrior three. "So what will we do today?" I ask Frigga.

"I shall show you to your room, then leave you with Jedidiah" she says gesturing to my dad. I nod and she leads us to a room. "You have your own bathroom and closet has been filled with clothes" she tells me. I thank her and she leaves me with my dad.


Picture above of Thor holding the tesseract holder and gif on the external link of Loki muzzled. Picture in chapter of Elena's dress.

See you all in the next chapter in the start of Elena's journey through Thor: The Dark World

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