Chapter 5

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I felt so desperate when I saw the man lied on the ground bleeding so much. If I run more faster, I could saved him. Maybe. I slowly grabbed my hair as I kneel in front of a shop that already closed. The police is now investigating the place and Seokjin was helping me to talk with the police who is now questioning him. He knew that I feeling not well so he helped me.

I was grabbing my hair and slowly hugs my own knees. I heard footsteps walking towards me, I looked up and it was Seokjin.  He was frowning as I noticed his eyes turned back into black again. But I looked down broke his gaze.

"What did the police say." I said as my tone started to cracked. I'm not crying, just feels terrified after seeing the dead body. Jin sighed making me looked at him. He looks so worried and he moves one of his hand on his neck.

"Well.. They said they going to starts to investigate." Jin said lending his hand out. I slowly grabs his hand but I flinched because his hand was so cold. Jin looked alarmed and pull me up with a force. What an incredible strength! I looked at him as he quickly moves his hand away from mine.

"Your.. uhmm.. strong. " I said while holding my own hand. I could feel the coldness. It was really cold. Colder than an ice. Jin just cursed under his breath and then smiled at me. "Maybe because I'm not used to touched someone. "

"Oh.. Sorry. " I apologized but Jin just shook his head.

"I just lend out my hand so you don't  have to. " He looks so nervous than before.

We walked on the way to our house, which still was like 5 or 7 miles until we reached at my place. I stares at him while walking on the side streets but somehow I hit the streetlamp.

Kill me. That's what I thought. The bang sound is loud, I was lucky enough that there's no people around at this hour except polices behind us investigating the dead body. I looked around nervously as I saw Jin is laughing out loud. His laugh was like windshield wipers.

I stares at him. He didn't stop laughing until he saw my expression. He clears his throat and he point at his own forehead and nose bridge.

"Sorry, but your forehead and your bridge are slowly turning to red." He said with a apologetic smile. I touched it and then shakes my head. I quickly picked up my stuff that I just brought. And slowly got up, I was wobbling when I get up. He tried to support me by holding my waist but I distanced myself from him.

"I-its fine, " I said letting those dirt off my pants and my jacket too. My heart tightens when he laughed at that but I ignored. Jin looked at me with a frowned.

"What's wrong? "

"I wished I can read you, " Jin said. But he shook his head.

"Read? " I started to walked again and he followed me. He looks angry but worried at the same time. When the lamp street light exposed his pale skin, it was so bright like snow. I just smiles when I sees that. He noticed me smiling at him.

"What's you smiling at?"

"Nothing, it just that.. Your skin is so pale and it was so beautiful when the light exposed your skin. "I smiled brightly.

But somehow he just furrowed his eyebrows. He was cursing under his breath as he looks down.

"Did I said something wrong? " I asked. He looked up at me.

"I just hate my skin." Jin said quietly. But enough for me to hear.

"Hate? Your skin? Why? "

"Because I'm the most dangerous creatures that you will be scared of.. maybe someday. " He said. That confused me.

"Dangerous creatures you said.. What are you then? " I asked. But he just smiled in responsed.

"Why don't you find it by yourself. " he asked.

"Then what if I find out about it?"

"You'll run away from me for sure. " that makes me sad.

"I wouldn't do that." I said while looking straight foward.

Jin just scoffed and he just shrugs. He put his icy cold hand inside his jean's pocket.  As he walk behind me. I suddenly remembers his eyes changed colour when after he saw the dead body.

"Your eyes.. Changed colour earlier.. But it turned normal black brown colour. "I said quietly. I could hear Jin was stop as I looked behind him. He furrowed his eyebrows again, cursing again.

"That.. Maybe because of the light. "He looks irritated. I didn't said anything. I just nodded. Maybe I should've discovered that by myself, I thought. The words he said earlier really haunts me after that.

Still gor few miles away until we reached my house. We were walked silently. Until I decided to ask him about something.

"Why didn't you go to school these two weeks? " I asked. Jin rise one of his eyebrows and looked around.

"Going out with my brothers. "he said quietly. He looks so troubled. Maybe because I asked too much personal questions.

"Ah sorry. Asking too much personal question." I said which Jin still looking irritated. He was staring at me, I just gulped and continue walking as fast as I could.

But he was beside me. Staring at me which is very uncomfortable. I looked at him giving him a deep dimple smiles.

"What are you thinking. "he suddenlt asked.

"Huh? Thinking? "

"I can't read you, something bothers you is it? "Jin moves his face close to mine but I distanced myself again. The cold breath is hitting me and I could feels it. It was so cold.

"N-no! Nothing bothers me! "

"Liar. "

"Alright fine. Why are you so cold? Are you having a fever? " I speak out which I feels irritated a little. Jin was shocked, he touched his temples and shook his head.

"Nothing. You should go home by yourself. " Jin furrowed his eyebrows as I looked at him walking to the opposite way.

I feel bad. I shouldn't  asked too much personal questions. I sighed as I go back to home.

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