Chapter 10- The grand Deception

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We start things off in the Waverider. It's early in the morning and Sara goes into Mia's room with her coffee. As she walks in she notices Mia is watching Avengers as she eats breakfast.

"Are you watching Avengers?" Sara asked as she laughed a bit

"Yeah. Billy used to make me watch it. He would hate it when I made fun of it. Avengers vs X men was always his favorite. This just brings me down memory lane" Mia told her as she kept her eyes on the screen

"So you were a babysitter?" Sara asked jokingly 

"It's a longer story than that but whatever." Mia told her. She then turned off the tv and asked "So why are you here?"

"Well we're having a team meeting right now about fixing the timeline. I thought you should there." Sara explained

Mia got up with excitement since she really wants her timeline back so she told "Lead the way."

Mia and Sara arrive. We have Nate, Behrad, Zari, John, Ava, Mick and surprisingly Rory and Ralph (Ralph and Rory were both recruited by Nate). Nate has a big whiteboard with a outline of Supergirl with a bunch of weaknesses listed.

"We're all here so Nate your up." Sara told him

Nate smiled and walked up to the whiteboard and said "So as you all know after the meteor Kara has developed the idea of taking over the world and we need to stop that and obviously we shouldn't look into the future so..." Nate was explaining only to be interrupted by Mick who said "Blah blah can you get to the good stuff?"

"I was building up to that but here is everything I have written down. First you have kryptonite that's an obvious one, although getting your hands on kryptonite is pretty hard. Second Red sun radiation which is  also hard to generate. Um some off shoot ideas were high frequency sound and a nuke." Nate explained

"So we have nothing concrete to stop Kara." Mia pointed out, completely bursting Nate's bubble of enthusiasm

"The kiddo is right. Your ideas suck." Mick added

"Yeah plus we can't even defame Kara. The majority of the media is pro Supergirl." Zari commented

"Well there has to be something. We just have to think outside the box." said Ralph in defense of Nate

"Ok maybe we just need to find somebody that is knowledgeable in science like Ray maybe." said Sara followed by Zari who said "Or maybe we don't need science for example there is this quote that says 'I traveled the world to learn everything there is to know about science, martial arts and the supernatural to become.." Mia then said the final part in unison with Zari saying "Batman."

"You're a fan of Batman too!" Zari exclaimed with excitement

"It's complicated but I've meet him. His friends are cooler in my opinion " Mia responded. Zari then replied "Really! Who's your favorite Robin. I'm such a Nightwing fan."  Before Mia could respond Sara interrupted her by saying "Well unless either of you can get them to magickly appear. I suggest we should get a more plausible solution."

Zari then told Sara "That's not the point of the quote though . The point is you there are three aspects those being science, martial arts and the supernatural. There is always a solution within one of them"

"Yeah maybe magic is the way to go." Ava suggested

"Really magic? Like are gonna pull a bunny out of a hat and call it quits." Ralph stated jokingly

"Well maybe, your not too off giraffe." said John to Ralph. He then directed his attention to Rory and told him "You are the bearer of the Devarim rags aren't you?"

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