Chapter 14- Reconnection

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"Why did you let him in? And how did he finds  us" Sara told Mick with anger. "He offered me beer" Mick responded

"Well it's amazing what satellites and common sense can do for you. Although I just need you to hear me out Sara." Lex said as walked around the room. "And why should any of us listen to you after the stunt to pulled." John Constantine asked

"Because I know that Mayor Ramirez has been protecting you all and it would suck if he got impeached." Lex told them

Sara then got close to him and said menacingly "Give us one good reason for not holding you hostage." Lex simply kept his cool and pulled his phone and said "Because I have been recording this whole conversation. All I have to do hit this button and the whole world will know the legends are here and that they threaten the great Lex Luthor." Lex then noticed that Nyssa was reaching for a knife so he said "Oh and don't try to destroy my phone with your knife. If this phone goes offline an email with the data logs will be sent to some of the biggest media companies so just here me out."

"What do you want Lex?" Ava asked in frustration

"Well it seems that you all came to your senses and found out that Supergirl is a threat." said Lex. Sara then asked "Your point?"

"My point is, you guys want to kill Supergirl but let's be honest right now I'm the only person who can make that possible." Lex explained "I have a plan, I just need all of you to fulfill it."

Ava asked Sara "Can I talk to you about this in private." Sara followed her to a more private area and she said "We can't take this deal."

"What are you talking about? This is our chance to stop Kara." Sara told Ava. Ava then replied with "This is Lex Luthor we're talking about he could be playing us!"

"So what do you want me to do? Let him go and have him snitch on us or hold him hostage and have the world know that we kidnapped Lex Luthor. It be lose lose. If we have a chance to stop Supergirl we have to try." Sara argued. Ava then said "Fine

Sara then turned to Lex and said "Fine we're in."

Lex then said "Well I was counting on that because I've already set my plan in motion."

We are now at the GTB. Nate was really tired and was about to take the elevator to the upper sleeping quarters. The elevator opened and a man who seemed to be a mechanic walked in and bumped into Nate.

Nate then turned to the man and said "He watch it!" The man then looked a him and instantly he recognized the man. He teared and hugged the man said "I've missed you man." Ray patted his back and said "I've missed you too.

After Nate controlled his emotions he asked "Why are you here?" Ray then looked around the room and lead Nate to a more private room

"Lex Luthor sent me to get the Waverider." Ray explained. Nate was shocked and said "You're working with Lex?" afterwards Nora teleported into the room and said "Calm down. We're just trying to rescue the Legends."

Nate was even more shock but the main question in his mind was "Why didn't you both teleport in?"

"Well I wanted you two to have your moment." Nora told him

"Huh that's pretty considerate." Nate commented .

Ray then said " Listen, we can explain later. We just need the Waverider right now ."

The three of them sneaked into the storage room. As they snuck in the lights turned on and we guards surrounded them.

Nate then told Nora "Gideon isn't online. So use your magic to open the cargo door." Nate then steeled up and started fighting the guards and drawing there fire . Nora started prying the door open. Ray got his suit on and started to help Nate fight off the guards

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